Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Voting Season: And They're Off...

The Golden Gloves Have Come Off...
Smear Pictures, Swift Boats and All...

Good morning, everyone. I have to blog and run again before I go off to work. I really don't have time to pull together a good ole fashioned blog entry. That means that I'm ironing clothes, eating breakfast, writing bills, and writing this blog entry at the same time. So, I'll do something quick and easy like vent. You know venting is usually carried out at the end of a hard workday. But here is the exception.

Let me set this thing up here. Since I was a little girl around five years old back in the 1970's, I've been watching the evening news. In addition to that, now as a grownup I read the newspapers, blogs, and online news articles from just about any outlet. You know the perspective can be different given the outlet. Plus I watch many of the news shows on tv. You get my drift. I've seen and heard a lot of things over the years. I'm no newcomer to the game.

And speaking of games, I've never seen more games and dirty tricks as right now in the political arena. Okay, there are no swift boats zipping this time around. It's just when I think of dirty tricks I think of swift boats. Yeah, I know folks would dare to ask me what did I expect and how could I be so naive. But they need to see my point of view. Right here and right now we as a people throughout the country aren't doing so well if others haven't noticed. Umm. Let's rattle off the list of battle wounds.

Folks are losing their jobs left and right. They are trying to figure out where their next meal is coming from and where they will lay their head tonight. A ton of folks are losing their homes to foreclosure. Folks are up to their necks in debt, while so-called highly-trained economists, who should know better, try to convince us that we aren't in a recession. There are people out here who have husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and even young grandmothers and grandfathers dying and getting injured in wars around the world. Education is so bad these days that the high school kids who are thinking about enlisting in the military don't even know where the wars are taking place. Can they even find Iraq and Afghanistan on a map without being prodded?....Let me continue on with the list. Big business has twisted Uncle Sam's arm to make it hard for us little people to file for bankruptcy. Big business also has it such that you can't sue them, even if they are in the wrong. Other folks have learned that getting sick and staying in the hospital for a couple of days is the road to possible poverty. That's why I understand why old folks will paste on some honey to a wound and keep getting up. You get my drift, right? We need to see a brighter day.

So with all of this swirling around, when are the candidates and their supporters going to get it?
We voters don't need anymore smear pictures, false statements, and the overproduction of enough bullcrap to last us to the next millenium. We voters want to hear answers and workable yet realistic solutions. Enough of the cute one-liners to one up the rival and to serve as the headline to the newspapers the next day. We need sound ideas to get the country back on track. We need to fill the people with enough hope to make it to the next day. We need to see, hear, and feel that someone out here running to be the leader cares enough to tell the truth and be straight with us.

The truth is all we want. Let that be the backdrop of the campaigns.

Okay, I've got to ready for work. Take care and have a great day. :-)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Piece Of Cake...

Life's Been A Piece of Cake....That's a Lie...

It's been a while since I blogged. In fact, I had to look for my password. But I'm back in the saddle blogging again. I'm going to type a little something before I go to work. But check this out. Shortly after the New Year, the IT folks at my job changed the computer systems and made it such that we can't delete the history file anymore. There's no more viewing Y.ouTube and listening to audio files that aren't streaming. There's no more communication on the sidebar of the g.oogle g.mail account. No more Aim. And a little box appeared for a week or so even when you attempted to perform a search on Y.ahoo or G.oogle sort of notifiying you that they're watching. All kinds of other sites are banned and you get a nice little message letting you know that you are in violation of the rules. Shux, I tried to view Shamu, the orca killer whale extraordinaire, at the water park and got that message. I'm just glad that I'm not addicted to the chatrooms anymore. *lol* So, let's just say most of my blogging we be done at home.

Well there you have it. This explains why I can't really blog as much as I used to. But you know what? I'm still not ready to give up on blogging. I love it too much. Shux, with Ree Ree tearing into Beyonce and Tina (Ree Screams==>"Don't You Know I'm The Queen!!!..."Ree Ree take a seat. Tina Turner, Chaka Khan, Gladys Knight, Patti LaBelle and others are also queens and very gifted); Tavis showing a little attitude with Obama about declining an invitation to appear at Tavis' forum (Tavis we love you, but please chill.); and political campaigns pulling out every dirty trick they can, you KNOW I wanted to a piece of that. It's like online gossiping. I think I love reading other folks' blogs better than writing my own. I'm just going to have to blog when I get home from work.

I've got to get ready for work. I hope everyone is doing great and feeling fabulous. Take care and have a great day. :-)