I Keep Getting Taken Away With The Tv Tide...
Good morning everyone. I hope everyone had a good weekend. I somewhat did. But for starters, let me say what happened leading up to it. I received somewhat of a promotion on Thursday. I'll explain that perhaps in another blog entry. But I will say that when you know you deserved something a long time ago, it takes a little bit away from the happiness factor. I'm still grateful and all. I just know that I had to pay a heavier price than the other folks at that joint.
Anywho. I've fallen into the pattern or trap rather of watching tv marathons for the last month or so. I'll just innocently turn to a channel and then boom get caught up in watching it for the next few hours. This stuff keeps me from getting my errands done. The only shows I really don't care to watch for even 10 seconds is that Chachi Scott Baio show and that Roc.k on Love show on VH.1. Who cares why Chachi isn't married now by 45? Duh? He isn't trying to get married. That's a wrap. And as for Roc.k of Love, if they are trying to recreate the Flav.or of Love, it's not happening. Just about anybody can get a reality show. I just want to know if we bloggers can get one and get P.A.I.D.!!! Do you hear me???... *lol*
But I did get taken away with the tide this past weekend watching about 3 hours of Crib.s on M.TV with Kimora Lee Simmons hosting. Side Note: Is Kimora and Russell really separated or divorced? I don't usually watch this show, but they were showing the top 20 homes. Aside from the showing off, it was interesting to see how the wildest people had the most refined homes decorated with cherubs, gold leaf patterns, and fine china. Maybe their wildness is just an act.
As for wildness, I'm tired of it. If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know about my venting entries concerning my job. I've been through it and have come to accept that I can't control what goes on my job to a certain extent. I can't control the kinds of assignments that are sent to me, a few of my co-workers' attitudes, or the due dates of projects when the assignment has been sitting on someone else's desk for weeks. Oh Zee, this is due tomorrow. They drop the hot potato off and run down the hall. I'm controlling freaking out about stuff and finish projects when I finish them.
It's Time To Bounce...
I Look Forward To It...
So, if I'm taking trash at work, you know that I'm not trying to take it at home. When I'm working so hard, I know that my home life better be pretty calm and relaxing. At least that's what I think it should be. Let's take last week. I had a moderate workweek. I live for Fridays to unwind. I left work a little early to get some maintenance done on my car. Afterwards, I picked up a few groceries, dinner, and proceeded home to relax. But I get home to a freaking ZOO, do you hear me? The neighbors, who happen to be the head of the condo association, above my condo had company visiting. And they were taking the place apart. And let's just say that my ceiling fans were bouncing around because of the impact. I let this go on for about 2 hours. I left the den and went into the bedroom to take a nap only to have someone running above me once again. So I calmly went upstairs to inform my neighbors that they were bit loud and to request them to bring it down a notch. Do you know that clown opened up the door and said, "We'll try" and shut the door in my face? I bet he was showing off for his company. As soon as I got down stairs, they were off to the races running again as if I had never said anything to them.
Mind you this is the first time I've gone upstairs to tell them to keep it down. Over the last 2 1/2 years I have endured them getting up to go to work at 3:40 a.m. breaking my rest, their constant stomping like a marching band, and dropping heavy stuff over my unit on a daily basis. Every night from around 10 pm or sometimes later, someone comes in and drops something to the floor, which is my ceiling, startling me when I'm sometimes asleep. Imagine that. I do remember asking the previous owner, a sister, of my place at the closing table were the people above me loud. And she said that she had to go up there a few times to tell them about their noise. Plus, later on I discovered on the net that the previous owner of my place only lived here a year. I did ask about this before the purchase, but she said that she wanted a single family home. Now, I'm realizing that meant that she was sick and tired of dealing with the upstairs neighbor's noise.
I go out of my way to make sure I'm not bothering anybody. I'm walking around with my iPod and the only noise I practically make is when I'm washing clothes. I guess the thing that got me steamed is that I'm paying my mortgage just like they are. They disrespect my home and think nothing of it. And then there was the time when my neighbor across from me pushed her old, leaking refrigerator beside my front door. She got peeved when the management company charged her $200 to remove that hag. *lol* What I think these two people have in common is hating that a colored gal lives among them. "Honey, call the cops. Kizzy just moved in!!!" They all sported those fake smiles when I moved in, but they showed their real colors through their actions. Whatever. That's a huge reason why I'm selling my place. The other reasons are that I need more space and that I want to be comfortable. I'm moving onto my brighter day.
There are more cool neighbors in the building who tell me everything. They don't happen to live above me. I'll miss them. But the other folks in the 2 units can kick rocks as far as I'm concerned. It amazes me how the more I try to avoid certain situations, that they confront me more often. My family and friends keep warning me that if I continue to take so much off of people that they themselves will come up here to whip me for not telling folks off. Wow. *lol*
Well, I better get ready for work. Take care and have a great day folks. :-)