Color Me Caught Offguard...
There is great news. I'm blogging again. The only problem is that it is about 3 a.m. I woke up and can't quite get back to sleep. So I thought I'd blog. I hope that everyone is doing fine. I sure do miss blogging period. When people ask me what blogging is, I really have a hard time really describing what it really is, because it means so many things to me. Through blogging, I've learned so much about people around the world and different cultures that I just love it.
Not too much is new with me. Everything seems to be all about work. And I haven't had any type of vacation yet this summer. And just when I was planning to take off a couple of days here and there to get rid of vacation time, my boss announces that I have to complete a regulation by the beginning of September. There goes my days off for a while. Mind you everyone else including the new people have been off on weeklong vacations. I'm so tired and hard up for time off these days that I just want to sit at home on a weekday and watch tv. I guess the bosses think we single people don't have a life. *shrug*
Anyhoo, here's what recently happened to me. After work one evening, I decided to drop by the grocery store. It seems like I'm always dropping by the store to get some kind of seasoning or food item to feed into my cooking hobby and to make sure I have enough to make lunch with everyday for work. So there I am minding my own business. Then this lady walks up to me to ask me about my makeup. I thought she was crazy, because I had been wearing it since 8 a.m. and it was now about 7:30 p.m. I have to admit that I was off my mark and didn't realize that I was getting pulled into a Mary Kay ploy. Totally unaware, I told her the brand of makeup I was wearing when then *BAM* she hit me with the Mark Kay pitch. I should have seen this coming especially with my background in Business from college. Drats.
I'm a girly girl in the way of loving makeup colors and hairdo styles, but there is one thing I don't like. I honestly don't like people barging in on my private time. I like to buy things on my own timetable. I'm not trying to schedule no time for no facials at someone's house and I'm not trying to race home from work to go to one of those Mary Kay marketing meetings where they try to convince you that you can leave your full-time job to sell lipstick and foundation. Now, know one thing. I'm not trying to knock their hussle or yours if this is it. But I can't have them barging in on my me time. I get really twisted up behind stuff like this.
So catch this. This lady has been calling me, although I clearly told her that I "may" only purchase a lipstick to be nice. I only intended to order from her every now and then, because she knows a mutual friend I grew up with. I also told her that I have very sensitive skin and have "already" found products through my dermatologist that work very well for me. So why in the world would I introduce something new to my skin that may break me out? Duh? I think that Mary Kay lady wasn't trying to hear what I said. She was only trying to pry that money out of my purse, which I'm not having. So, I wasn't trying to hear her either.
Plain and simple, Mary Kay products are of pretty good quality. Their items are a bit expensive for the little bit that they give you in those little pink compacts. I tried them out a few years ago. Yet, I could not get past the feel of their pyramid scheme. It may not actually be one, but I've never met a Mary Kay lady who hasn't tried to persuade me to sell their products. Shux, I barely sold cookies when I was a girl scout. So you know that I'm not trying to sell anything else. I'm the kind of shopper who likes to buy my own products in my own time. This translates to me either hauling myself to Macy's, Nordstrom's, or even Walmart when I get ready to. No one is bugging me to get a facial or sell anything. In a matter of a few minutes, I can drop by the mall, purchase my makeup, and be back in the car heading home singing to the radio. So, why in the world do these women expect folks like me to want to be hemmed up with them? Please. Please respect my private time and the little bit that I have. *Geesh*
Well, that's my rant for today. I think I'll blog about office romances and what's happening in my office in relation to me tomorrow. Maybe not. Somebody in the office might be reading my blog. *lol*