The World Observes A Superpower...
With each passing day, I continue to pray for the victims and survivors of Hurricane Katrina. And I'm looking into additional ways to provide help. I haven't been able to stop watching the national network and cable news tv. But what is the world saying? The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) captured the following statements from around the world: ==> World Observations
Hmm....Kanye West and New Orleans' Mayor Ray Nagin expressed similar yet stronger sentiments. All in all, I think people around the world and at home are demanding that the hurricane survivors be treated more humanely.
I couldn't agree with you more my dear...it is downright outrageous that this long after the hurricane we still have folk sleeping on highway overpasses without food, water, or even basic bathroom facilities...a sad period in our nations history no doubt. Troubling that we spring into action to help other countries when they are struck by disasters but let it happen to our folk, especially if they happen to be poor, minorities, or elderly....hmpffftpt!
on a side note...big hugzzzz to you! :o)
I applaud anyone who is in a position to speak out and be heard. I just wished that I was there and able to help out firsthand.
@Nikki: I'm so glad to see you back blogging. We were so worried about you.
Weve met some of the people who are staying here temporarily. Some are hooking up with family and leaving already and some are going to be here awhile. They have some heart wrenching stories, and they all agree that the press forgot some of the good stories.
Amen sista.
Resources seem to be coming in albeit at a snails pace. But something is finally being done now. I just hope that they are able to save the ones that are still struggling a week after this tragedy first occurred.
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