An Astronaut Possibly Threw Her Career Away Over A Love Triangle...
In the words of the famous wicked witch from the "Wizard of Oz" after the water was thrown on her, "What A World???...What A World???" What am I talking about? Let me give you the run down. A female astronaut, who went on a shuttle mission last year, was recently arrested after trying to kidnap a woman who was possibly involved with her boyfriend, another astronaut. When they arrested her, they say that she was wearing a diaper, which astronauts wear at take off and re-entry. *Insert Strange Look* (Side Note: I always wondered how astronauts handled that restroom issue at launch. Shux, driving on the highway with a bunch of idiots who amazingly got their licenses can get a little tricky and make folks think about wearing a diaper. Hmph. I'm just saying...) They figure that she wanted to drive from Houston, TX to Orlando, FL without stopping for a bathroom break. Well aint that a blip folks? Ole girl got all frazzled enough to don a wig and a trench coat to take out the third angle of the triangle. What happened? Read about it here ==> Astronaut Snaps
In case folks don't know, NA.SA's astronaut program is a very, very, very, extremely selective one that screens folks for everything,including mental illness. Most of the astronauts have credentials out the wazoo and out of this world. Many are high level doctors and scientists with many years of experience. Most seem to be in their 40's. I guess folks would have thought folks would have had it (mental wherewithall) together by then. So, I wonder how this woman slipped through the cracks. Last year, she was heralded as a vital team member who operated the mechanical arm of the shuttle and was possibly working on the space station. Come on folks. When a relationship goes sour, we have to pick ourselves up and go on without slapping on a diaper and a wig over some revenge mess. Just pig out on ice cream and pizza for one weekend and be over it by the next week like everybody else. *Phew* I just don't know. I just hope that they provide this woman with the help that she needs, because that wasn't normal.
Did she slip through the cracks or did all the pressure cause her to crack? I can not believe she thought she would get away with kidnapping the other woman. You are right that is definitely not normal. Not only that it is very embarassing. Over a dude? She definitely needs some help.
Miz JJ: You raise a good point. The pressure alone associated with becoming an astronaut probably could make a person crack. I know I would given my issues with flying, heights, claustrophobia, traveling in fast vehicles not driven by me, etc.
Man, please. She is crazy and needs to be committed. She should have been at home with her own husband and children and not worrying about this man who is clearly not interested in her.
Ain't that much love in the world. Shooooot.
I feel sorry for this woman's kids. They have to hear about all of this in the media.
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