It's A Wonder Why More People Don't Do It...
Wet Hands...
As I sped along the road the leads to my job's complex yesterday morning, I quickly prayed that the Lord would help free me of that place. I need a break. I need some time to relax and just take care of home. Well, as soon as I made it through the outside guard's gate, parked the car, and then walked into the entrance of the building, the male guard announced to me that the building was about to be closed because there is no hot water. I could have picked up and kissed that man. He was short. My prayer had been answered, even for that day. *Whew*I still had to go up to my office and check-in with the boss and wait for the official announcement. But last week, I do remember calling the building folks to tell them that we didn't have any hot water in the restrooms on my floor. That was Thursday. And evidently, they couldn't fix the problem. I'm wondering whether my job's cafeteria had hot water last week and were they washing their hands and pots and pans with hot water. Ahhhhh....Moving on...
Folks "NOT WASHING THEIR HANDS" is a huge pet peeve for me. I can't tell you how many times I've seen women not wash their hands. They will go straight from the stall to leave the restroom or go through the motion of washing their hands by running their hands under the faucet minus the soap. What the???!!! And men aren't off the hook either? I'm not in there restroom to see, but other men have told me that some men definately leave the restroom without putting a bit of water on their hands. Shux, what's the use of developing vaccines and cures when folks won't do the most basic thing of washing their hands? Weren't we all taught this as little children at home and at the daycare center?
Furthermore, I really get heated when touchy-feely folks feel the need to reach out and touch with their dirty selves. For example, during a meeting why did a nasty co-worker of mine, who insist on sucking all the fur and fruit off of a peach, confide to me that he keeps it in his mouth for at least an hour or so to get all the nutrients out? *rolling eyes* Then he proceeds to be animated and reach out to touch me, because that's who he is. So, I had to let him know who I was and let him know that I don't dig touchy-feely folks and he best keep his hands to himself no matter how innocent that act. Just nasty.
Others are not touchy-feely, but are just publicly nasty. Another example is that I was waiting in line in the drive-thru at Taco
Dry Hands And Turn Off Tap With Towel...
Have you ever wanted to tell another adult to wash his or her hands? So much for hurting folks' feelings. I've told someone before at work. I didn't know the person and she was a bit embarrassed. But you know these are the same people who will bring their coffee mugs and even the punch bowl used for office parties in the ladies' restroom to wash in those sinks. So, you see there is a big problem. Well, I can't fix the world on the handwashing front. However, you know where you can find some handwipes. At my desk. *lol*
I've got to get ready for work. Take care, have a great day, and wash those suckers. :-)
I think something's wrong with me. I'm somehow fascinated with watching the DIRT come off my hands in the white sink. I was bored one day, so I started experimenting...trying to see how well the office was cleaned the night before. I washed my hands, then came out and made it a point to touch everything twice, for at least 30 minutes. The chairs, printers, copiers, keyboards, door handles, record books...you name it. My hands were NASTY afterwards!! The office wreaked of bleach and pine oil, but it didn't do us a bit of good.
It's sad that we have to say it, but you're right it is sooooooo essential.
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