Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Tuesday Primary...

North Carolina Came Through With The Yes, We Can!!!...

To tell you the truth, I didn't know how things concerning the Tuesday primaries were going to turn out, judging from the coverage from the mainstream media. I guess they are a little salty right about now. Last night I called my NC family from Northeastern NC and from the Triangle area to get a sense of what was really going on. They said they delivered on a promise to support Obama, and they did in a big way. Of course, the competition isn't over, but it brings Obama that much closer to gaining the Democratic nomination.


YouToldHarpoTaBeatMe said...

Girl I was in my truck when I heard the results. Almost messed around and got a ticket. I don't know how I would've explained that if I did get caught....especially if they were anti-Obama.

I was all happy and stuff and stuff.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

yes nc did. Nice blog. Chk me out if u can and if u like what u read feel free to Blog Roll Me me and come back by. rawdawgbuffalo

Anonymous said...

North Carolina didn't disappoint! And Obama had a damn good showing in Indiana. Although he lost there, the future is still promising for him.

Luke Cage said...

Its all done but the numbers now miss Zee.

Luke Cage said...

Okay luv. An update is in order. Here's my new page address. Just the hyphen has been added, otherwise it's the same ol' same ol'! Hit me up soon.