Monday, February 06, 2006
The Office Chronicles
Fresh Off The Press From The
"Well Ain't That A Blip" Office Files....
INTRO: This morning I just want to vent a little bit. So please bear with me. For some time I've put off blogging about my job and my promotion (lack there of) situation, because I simply didn't want to think about it. If I want to have a good day, I just shove certain thoughts under the rug and keep it moving.
NEW JOB OPPORTUNITY: But today, I have chosen to speak about the office, because I've been permitted to peform a detail position in another office. After going through the line of protocol and discussing my disappointment in not getting a grade promotion after performing the work of a senior analyst for years, my supervisor and her bosses allowed me time away on a detail. For those of you who don't work for Uncle Leroy's gubment, a detail is a temporary job in another office. My job position itself is still permanent; I still belong to the old office. It's like my office loaning me and my work out to another office. And sometimes detail positions lead to permanent positions in the office the person is doing the detail. I haven't put any pressure and unrealistic expectations on myself. All I want to do is a great job, and then whatever happens happens. But I'll pray and hope for the best.
THE CATCH: Well friends, things can never ever be that easy. There's always got to be some mess. Just last week, my supervisor told me that today I would be allowed to start work in the new area. All that I would have to do is finish two letters, then I would be free to go do my thing. Yeah right. Two women are supposed to take over my work while I'm gone. Yup, two people will do the job of one workhorse (me). But the older lady co-worker is making all kinds of smart remarks, which is really starting to annoy me. She's getting to be a real pest. I have a lot of reading and learning to do with the new work area, and she's not making things any better by trying to give her work to me. I don't have time for it. It's a shame that people can't be happy for you when something good comes your way.
THE REAL DEAL: Let me give you a brief background about her. She came to my division about a year or so ago. She worked on other projects. But late last year, she started working on my project, because my office needed a backup for me. I thought my co-workers and I were cool until a meeting last December. My office and another office met to iron out some details of a new process. I simply made the recommendation that the analysts (the older lady and myself) should be responsible for pushing out the instructions and work, and not the supervisors, who manage several divisions and travel domestically and internationally for meetings. Instead of taking the time to listen to what the workhorse (me) had to say, the older lady co-worker turned her back to me and dismissed what I said in front of everybody. I had a "Oh No, She Didn't" moment, but I remained quiet. If you can't trust folks on your team, it's time to move on to another job. Now, my words have come full circle in that the new work process is severely behind, because the supervisors didn't manage and push the work out. I really wished that I cared, but I don't. Folks didn't listen, so now they need to deal with the ramifications and implications of their nifty ideas. Cuz, I iz through.
A TRUE PAIN IN THE YOU KNOW WHERE: Now that it is time for me to start work with the new office, the older lady is showing her true colors. Last Friday, I held a transitional meeting to provide background information about my project to the people taking over. But the older lady kept making comments like => "I'm going to keep sending you emails about the project." "You're not going to get out of this work." "You really need to attend next Monday's meeting as part of your transition." "You need to help us get this work done." "All this work will be waiting for you when you come back 4 months from now." "From time to time, we will be keeping you abreast of the project." "Look for the emails." "Who has this or that, because someone said that our office is unresponsive?" "So, are you coming to the meeting?" "We're going to keep you in the loop." Last week I had 1,000 emails in my work account, which I pared down to 890. Now I'm receiving emails from the new and old office (several from the older co-worker just today). I need to get familiar with the delete button. *shrug* Friends and family can't understand why I haven't put my co-worker in her place yet. I try to give folks the benefit of the doubt, but this is really stretching it. And that's the honest to goodness truth. I don't owe my co-worker any explanations as she is not my boss. It's none of her business if I choose to apply for another job, go to grad school, or anything else. Furthermore, it's every man (person) for himself when it comes to decisions involving advancement. Besides, what would I look like staying back and supporting everybody else, while I go another year without a promotion? That just doesn't make good sense. Whatever dude! The older lady is just a co-worker bummed out about having to take on my workload. In the past, when other co-workers were promoted or moved to another division, I wished them well and didn't bother them as they moved along. I took on their workload and kept it moving without all of the moaning and complaining and catty comments.
Trying To Keep Cool: Last time I checked I noticed that I got one paycheck, so why in the world would I try to do two jobs? I may be a lot of things, but I ain't crazy. I did all that I could to bite my tongue last week and today. I really hate confrontations, but if that woman comes to me complaining and making jabs about me getting an opportunity in another office, I might have to give Ms. Lady a piece of my mind in a nice way. I hope that it won't come to this though. I really don't want to hurt her feelings. At the same time I want her to realize that she is capable of doing this work and to not feel overwhelmed, because she has more experience and education than I do. I'm trying to deal with this situation the best way I know, but if you all have any suggestions, please do tell. <:-}
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Oprah On The Hot Seat...
Ms. Winfrey, Silence Can Be Golden...
I'm a little behind in my posting, and meant to blog about this last week when all of this mess was taking place. As some of you may know, Oprah has a list of books she recommends. The short and skinny of this set up is that after announcing her picks, her audience and target consumer population go out and buy the books, which propels some unknown authors to fame. Some of the authors were already notable figures in the literary world, while others are brand new. For the new ones, they can catch the jackpot if she loves them. When Oprah speaks, many people listen.
Before I get to discussing this here thang that went down recently, please know that I'm not an Oprah fan or hater. I view Oprah's talk show as a buffet bar. I choose what I like from her show, and simply discard the rest. This means that I like her shows about fashion, celebrities, and home decor. But I switch the channel when she discusses spiritual and relationship issues, since I'm not on the same page with her about those things. To each her own, right?
Back to the issue at hand...Last year, Oprah chose the "A Million Little Pieces" book by James Frey. This book was supposed to be a memoir detailing the experiences that Frey endured while struggling with his substance abuse problems. Oprah fell in love with the book. In fact, she gave some gifts to Frey's mother on her "Favorite Things" show. But then, the "Smoking.Gun" website found out that Frey had embellished a few things. (Side Note: FOLKS CLAIM THAT WE LIE, WHILE THEY EMBELLISH...FREY'S BUTT LIED!!!) Then Frey appeared on the Larry King Live show to set things straight. He claimed that he made up somethings to make himself appear to be badder and tougher than he really was. Perhaps, he did this for the sake of sensationalism. Shux, I don't care; I didn't buy the book. But while I was running my mouth on the phone, I was also channel surfing when I came upon the Larry King show. And lo and behold, good ole Oprah called in to take up for Frey quite strongly. She had his back. She basically said that although the facts were embellished (lies), the book still helped others who had similar struggles to Frey. Well, Hello America, the Golden Voice has spoken. *extreme sarcasm*
A week or so later, a columnist from the Washington.Post echoed the same thing I and other folks had been saying. Suddenly, is what's right wrong and what's wrong right? We couldn't really understand why Oprah felt compelled to call into the Larry King show. She didn't take up for Kirk Franklin (his skinmagazine addiction), Toni Braxton (past bankruptcy with Arista Records), and some other folks. So what makes Frey any different. I could have understood her putting out a short statement to say that the show was unaware of Frey's lies. But no, she went to bat for this guy. And because of all of this hoopla, Frey's books are still selling well.
Then the next week she did a total 180 Degree turn. She invited Frey to be on her show. Initially, he probably thought that she was going to roll out the red carpet for him, and mollycoddle him some more. Not. He was like a deer in the headlights. She lit him up like a Christmas tree, and all he could do was sit there and look straightforward. Oprah had the home court advantage and controlled all parameters of communication, since the doggone thang was unfolding on her show. If she didn't like the way the show came out, all she had to do was edit or totally can the show. It's beyond me why Frey didn't just walk off the show that was in progress. Oprah was telling him that he duped her and the nation. I was wondering whether this show was devoted to her ego or to her product brand (her show) as business and tv analysts have indicated. Although Oprah apologized, I don't think she took enough responsibility for her own missteps. She needs to realize that she picked Frey's book and not the reverse. Even after she found out that he lied, she powerfully came to his aid. But now she's changed her mind and is furious with him? If she just stayed mum, things would have blown over. So now if Frey harms himself in some kind of way behind experiencing her wrath on her show, will Oprah come out and do another show to twist this thang some more? When does it end?
Then the news/spin tv shows went to work on Oprah like it was nobody's business. They held panel discussions with about four or five folks to talk down about the woman. Some made it sound sort of personal. But what I actually realized is that some of the panelists and tv bigmouths may never admit it, but some of them are probably thinking that no woman of color should have a billion dollars and the empire that she has. So those folks had no shortage of backhanded comments directed towards Oprah. Was I starting to feel sorry for her? Perhaps, I don't know. But there is one thing that I do know. Silence can be golden!
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