Come Make Yourself Comfortable Where The Couch Potato Is King!!!...
It's high tide that I get back on my blog and add an entry. I know it's been a while. I've been bogged down with work and simply just too tired to blog when I got home. I really don't have the time or the energy to blog on something too deep. Perhaps, I'll do that next week. But I thought I'd do something fun today. I'm one of the biggest video fanatics around and found the following fun stuff:
Update (10/8/06): It seems that two of my links to You.Tube videos no longer play, because of copyright issues. When the tube was small and underground, things were great. And now that everyone knows about it, the fun-o-meter has definitely been brought down to a new low. *sigh*
The Soul Train Line...
I couldn't resist showing these Soul Train Line performances. I sprained my ankle and hurt my neck by just watching this. No wonder folks weren't fat back then; those folks had some moves on them back in the day. I was just a little girl when "Soul Train" really use to be something else. I can remember my Aunt having a fish fry at her home on a Saturday evening as many of us gathered around the tv to dance along with the show. Actually, as a toddler I watched. I was way too young to be apart of the whole voluminous, swinging bellbottom pants, huge afros, clog-chunky heels fashion crazes, thank goodness. But it looks really crazy now. I bet little grandkids of previous Soul Train dancers get a kick out of watching their grandparents getting down on the tv. And believe it or not, back then the show was more than just about dancing. The show had a little game where the dancers had to rearrange letters to figure out a famous person's name or place or thing. And way, way, way back in the earliest shows, political statements in an afro-pop culture way were made. I can't speak to today's Soul Train's shows, because I don't watch it anymore, but the video of the old shows sure made me smile and laugh. Yall don't think my co-workers will mind me cutting a few steps in my cubicle? Perhaps, the bump or the rebot???
Don Cornelius: "Love, Peace, and Souuuuuuuuuuuuullllll!!!..."
1960's Wax Commerical...
During my most recent YouT.ube obsession session, I came across this commercial. I wasn't born when this commerical aired on tv. But I sure love those nifty special effects. TV and film sure have come a long way since then.
Before There Were Swiff.er Floor Cleaners, There Was The Shield!!!...
School House Rock: I'm Just A Bill...
I was pleasantly surprised to find this School House Rock video. Cartoons back then weren't as trashy and grown as they are today. Not only were we entertained, but we were educated at the same. Little did I know that this video would pertain to what I do for a living with Uncle Leroy according to my agency's purpose. It's just a good thing that I paid close attention to the lyrics.
Come on...Sing Along If You Can Remember The Lyrics...