Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Have A Happy Thanksgiving...
Everyone Have A Safe And Great Holiday!!!
As we all prepare to travel or stay home to give thanks to the Lord, I just wanted to type this brief blog entry to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving Holiday!!! I said the same thing last year, but I want to add one more thing. In the spirit of giving, if you are hosting a dinner and are aware of someone who may be lonely this time of the year, please think about inviting them over to let them know that someone cares.
Monday, November 24, 2008
I've Been Clowned...Again...
And Once Again...*Sigh*....
Honestly, I've been trying to get around to blogging more regularly again. But it's clear to me that it will never be like used to be ever again. Why? Because I can't really do it from work like I used to at lunch time. I can't comfortably blog knowing that they check the history log on our computers. *lol* Enough of my blogging excuses. Let's get on with the show.
Oh well...Let me let you all know what I've been up to. I've gotten back in to my cooking mood. Yeah. I watch the Food Network year round. However, watching somebody else cook and doing it yourself are two different things. My cooking desire always hits me in the fall when there's just the bit of chill in the air. I don't particularly care to cook in the summer when it's hot and the kitchen is only making things hotter. That's sandwich and salad time. But now is the time to really get in that kitchen and to experiment. And to top things off I'm simply loving the cooking blogs such as the ones Aly and Tam have come up with. Shux. I may be single and childless, but I totally feel the weekly menu. I could definitely stand to have some organization in my life. Plus, it seems it would be a healthier and a thriftier way to be more efficient with my grocery bill. Don't let me meet a guy. He would gain at least 10 lbs. or so with me feeding him.
But check all this out in the blogosphere. Zee loves to go to the grocery store when she's not too busy. Check me out talking in the 3rd person. *lol* But anywho let me change back into the first person. For a while I was going to the grocery every other day. I don't get a lot of groceries at one time. I would say that I would get the real groceries on Friday or Saturday and in the days in between I would stop by to get more produce. As the week progresses, I get more apples and bananas or things I forgot to get during my last grocery store run. And there have been times when I simply didn't feel like eating out, because I didn't think the restaurants could satisfy my tastes. Restaurant food can get to be so predictable. But I can introduce new flavors and techniques to my own cooking. And for the most part, I've been pleasantly surprised with my results. Shux, I've got to listen to what the food is telling me in terms of knowing what seasonings to use and I love the process of cooking itself for things to turn out right. Love it, love it, love it.
Then came along the clowning. *Holding down head in slight embarrassment* There is this little guy at the grocery store who started clowning me about a month or so ago. He's one of the cashiers. And actually he's not little at all. He's taller than I am. He just seems younger like a little brother. He looks to be in his mid-20s to late 20s or so. I actually like his demeanor. He's rings up your order fast. He just now recently started getting a little loud about announcing to his co-workers and other shoppers that I come to the grocery store almost everyday. I always try to play it down and come up with an explanation of me liking my own cooking and saving money by cooking at home. And usually I can emerge from the grocery store with some shred of respect and dignity about the whole thing.
About a week ago, I was the reluctant star of the Safeway Barnum and Bailey Greatest show on Earth. Yes, I admit that I needed to pick up a few cheer up greeting cards, some milk, paper towels, apples, bananas, pears, cheetoes, frozen peaches, egg nog ice cream, etc. So, when I saw homeboy out of the side of my eye and without turning my head in his direction, I tried to do a drive-by with my grocery cart to another lane and to "another" cashier. Why did little brother man get loud and say "OOOh, there she goes trying to not get in my lane!!!???" Yeah, I tried to laugh it off. I only went one lane over from him. And the whole time the lady cashier kept making so many mistakes on every shopper in my lane. When it was my turn in line in the lane next to him, homeboy kept turning around having something to say. I was beyond embarrassed. Could the collar on my coat be in higher on my neck to hide my face? I was hoping so. He accused me of breaking down his cash register for not getting into his line, told the old man in his line that I should have been in his lane, said that I should have cooked for him already since I'm from the south, Blah, Blah, Blah. I haven't been back to my favorite grocery store since then. Don't get me wrong. If I was younger, I would have given that cutie pie some play. Oh yes. But in my elderlyness, I made up that word, of my 30's, I felt like I better hold back on this one as handsome as he is. I'm not Demi Moore or Halle Berry. I'm just getting close to Halle's age. *lol* I'm just Zee. I better just stick to what I know with men my own age, that means men a couple of years younger, guys my age or a guys a few years older. I suppose I'll be shopping at my favorite grocery store again when I come back in town following the Thanksgiving holiday. I just hope I won't be the star again of little brother man's circus show extraordinaire.
Why must these things happen to me? *sigh*
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Let's Catch Up: Election and All...
Congratulations to Our New President Elect and Family!!!...
Hello and howdy. I know that I've been away for far too long enough to have to look up my password and notice that the dashboard to blogger changed. Thank you Princess, Pam, and Harpo for being so patient with me. I've been extremely busy with work and I exchanged my usual morning blog time with just trying to get to work on time. So now, I'm blogging at night when I'm so tired. So forgive my typos. Let's get down to it.
First off let me say that this was the most painful primary and general election season. I've been watching the evening news since I was about 5 years old, but this year things got to be annoying every step of the way. Everyday watching the news just got to be frustrating with all of the negative attacks from candidates running for president all the way down to the local politicians running for dog catcher. However, I will admit to laughing at Saturday Night Live's Tina Fey impersonations of Sarah Palin. Lawd knows Tina had enough material to work with.
But anywho, let's skip on to the election itself. Leading up to the election, I had been telling folks that I would be donning a pair silver metallic boots and an outfit resembling a band uniform if Obama won. I was going to march down the street as the drum majorette for justice once Obama declared victory, and I was going to take my duty seriously. But come Tuesday of last week, I got to be more serious about things. For starters, I got up with the roosters around 4:30 a.m. to make it over to the polls at 6:30 a.m. before they opened at 7 a.m. I know folks want to know why it took me so long to get ready. Well, it took about an hour for me to actually wake up. *shrug*. That's saying something since I usually don't leave home until 9 a.m. on most mornings. I just made an exception on this morning, because I meant business. Once I got to the polls, most people were very polite, yet very determined to make history. No one complained about long lines or about getting to work late. We had the same thing in mind. We were going to take our vote seriously.
Come nightfall, I was totally beat down from work. I knew I wasn't going to be able to hang so I took a nap early in the evening. Plus, I didn't feel like watching tv anymore once the early returns were indicating that that polls were leaning in McCain's favor. I woke up around 10:30 p.m. to check out the returns and to immediately work the phones. And 30 minutes later history was made with Obama claiming victory. Boy were we in for a rollercoaster of emotions. First, I was shocked and amazed. Then I felt extremely happy and excited that other people from different countries around the world were sharing our joy. Then later, I cried for all of those people who suffered to make this day possible, because they didn't get a chance to see it. Heck, I didn't think that I'd ever see a black president in my own lifetime or that of the more immediate generations coming up. I just felt like that night was built on divine intervention. A wise and longtime family friend said earlier in the year that if God wants something to happen, it will come to pass. And that's exactly what I believe happened. I can't really even articulate everything I felt that. All I can say that it felt good. It still felt good although I spent the next day trying buy to a copy of the Washington Post. Let's not even start on me talking about how long I stood in line trying to get the special edition. All I know is that history was made and it felt good.
Okay, I've got to run. It's close to 2 a.m.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
The Mary Kay Madness...
Color Me Caught Offguard...
There is great news. I'm blogging again. The only problem is that it is about 3 a.m. I woke up and can't quite get back to sleep. So I thought I'd blog. I hope that everyone is doing fine. I sure do miss blogging period. When people ask me what blogging is, I really have a hard time really describing what it really is, because it means so many things to me. Through blogging, I've learned so much about people around the world and different cultures that I just love it.
Not too much is new with me. Everything seems to be all about work. And I haven't had any type of vacation yet this summer. And just when I was planning to take off a couple of days here and there to get rid of vacation time, my boss announces that I have to complete a regulation by the beginning of September. There goes my days off for a while. Mind you everyone else including the new people have been off on weeklong vacations. I'm so tired and hard up for time off these days that I just want to sit at home on a weekday and watch tv. I guess the bosses think we single people don't have a life. *shrug*
Anyhoo, here's what recently happened to me. After work one evening, I decided to drop by the grocery store. It seems like I'm always dropping by the store to get some kind of seasoning or food item to feed into my cooking hobby and to make sure I have enough to make lunch with everyday for work. So there I am minding my own business. Then this lady walks up to me to ask me about my makeup. I thought she was crazy, because I had been wearing it since 8 a.m. and it was now about 7:30 p.m. I have to admit that I was off my mark and didn't realize that I was getting pulled into a Mary Kay ploy. Totally unaware, I told her the brand of makeup I was wearing when then *BAM* she hit me with the Mark Kay pitch. I should have seen this coming especially with my background in Business from college. Drats.
I'm a girly girl in the way of loving makeup colors and hairdo styles, but there is one thing I don't like. I honestly don't like people barging in on my private time. I like to buy things on my own timetable. I'm not trying to schedule no time for no facials at someone's house and I'm not trying to race home from work to go to one of those Mary Kay marketing meetings where they try to convince you that you can leave your full-time job to sell lipstick and foundation. Now, know one thing. I'm not trying to knock their hussle or yours if this is it. But I can't have them barging in on my me time. I get really twisted up behind stuff like this.
So catch this. This lady has been calling me, although I clearly told her that I "may" only purchase a lipstick to be nice. I only intended to order from her every now and then, because she knows a mutual friend I grew up with. I also told her that I have very sensitive skin and have "already" found products through my dermatologist that work very well for me. So why in the world would I introduce something new to my skin that may break me out? Duh? I think that Mary Kay lady wasn't trying to hear what I said. She was only trying to pry that money out of my purse, which I'm not having. So, I wasn't trying to hear her either.
Plain and simple, Mary Kay products are of pretty good quality. Their items are a bit expensive for the little bit that they give you in those little pink compacts. I tried them out a few years ago. Yet, I could not get past the feel of their pyramid scheme. It may not actually be one, but I've never met a Mary Kay lady who hasn't tried to persuade me to sell their products. Shux, I barely sold cookies when I was a girl scout. So you know that I'm not trying to sell anything else. I'm the kind of shopper who likes to buy my own products in my own time. This translates to me either hauling myself to Macy's, Nordstrom's, or even Walmart when I get ready to. No one is bugging me to get a facial or sell anything. In a matter of a few minutes, I can drop by the mall, purchase my makeup, and be back in the car heading home singing to the radio. So, why in the world do these women expect folks like me to want to be hemmed up with them? Please. Please respect my private time and the little bit that I have. *Geesh*
Well, that's my rant for today. I think I'll blog about office romances and what's happening in my office in relation to me tomorrow. Maybe not. Somebody in the office might be reading my blog. *lol*
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
What Have I Been Up To?
Monday, June 16, 2008
I'm Back And I'm Tagged...
Tiki and Luke Cage Have Brought Me Back To Blogging...
Wow. I've been away from blogging for a while. I felt like I needed to knock on a door or something to get back in here. Or at least, I probably needed to put out some breadcrumbs to find my password to sign in. *lol* I can't even promise with a straight face to do a better job of blogging more regularly. I'll just do it when I can. I never intended to be away from blogging for so long, since I find it to be so therapeutic at times. I've been really busy with work. So after a long day of work and feeling really tired and burned out, it was good to see that folks didn't forget about me in the blogworld. You all are the best.
A lot of things have happened in the way of good news since I last blogged. I finally received my promotion and my senior health policy analyst title. The whole thing is bittersweet though. I know that I should have gotten it years ago under another boss, who retired a couple of years ago. I really fought and suffered to no avail. The promotion was never a means to an end for me as I think my purpose in life is something else. I just wanted to get paid properly. For the longest time it bothered me knowing that other people were getting promoted with half the education and experience. And get this. They would come to me asking for help with their work. Ain't that a blip? A sister was about to get bitter. But anywhoo, I have mixed feelings about my promotion in that although I'm happy to have it, I also have no will to really get mad and carry a grudge anymore about the the struggle and strife I went through. The disappointment was taking too much energy from me and taking too much room in my mind. So now that I've reached this milestone, I just want to focus on other areas of my life and be happy.
Well, let's get this tag business out of the way. So here it goes.
Here Go Da Rules:
1. Put Your itunes/ music player on Shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER WHAT!!!After you’ve answered all of the questions, tag 5 other people and then let them know they’ve been tagged to do the meme themselves!
** I can't really tag 5 people anymore. I doubt anybody is reading my blog anymore, since I've been on blogvacation.
Irresistable Remix - Mariah Carey
I guess this means I really wasn't looking and just gave any old answer.
She Ain't You - Jaheim
Lullably - Mariah Carey
Is this what I really want in a man? *scratching head*
10 Million Strong - Mint Condition
Okay. Let's see, I doubt that I'm 100 million strong. Maybe 1 strong.
Operator - Inner Shade
This is somewhat the truth. I'm the dispatcher. I'm the homebody who keeps up with everybody.
Luxury Brown - Mint Condition
I like this song. As you can see, I like this group as they keep popping up on my shuffle.
I'm Ready - Mint Condition
I really, really like this group.
Wade In The Water - Mary Mary
Well, I do need to find a new church in my area. They've been telling me this.
Exclusively - Jill Scott
I take the 5th on this one.
10)WHAT IS 2+2?
Listen - Beyonce - Dreamgirls Motion Picture
Too Far Gone - Incognito
This is somewhat true. I just found a friend I met in church. We hadn't been in touch in 7 years. We didn't end a friendship on bad terms or anything. We just lost touch. It was good to get in touch and here the little kids in the background.
Through With Love - Destiny's Child
**Scratching Head** Taking the 5th.
The One I Gave My Heart To - Aaliyah
Taking the 5th.
Best Friend - Ledisi
That's cool.
Shackles (Praise You) - Mary Mary
Taking the 5th again.
As Long As It's You - Incognito
That's nice.
More Than A Woman - Aaliyah
That's the truth, but I doubt I'll be getting married at this age.
Where I've Been - Mary J. Blige
Yeah, where have I been? Hmm...
Nothing Like Loving You - Amerie
Spellbound and Speechless - Incognito
This be the truth with my incognito self.
Solar Fire - Incognito
The Evolution of Fashion (Interlude) - Ciara
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Tuesday Primary...
North Carolina Came Through With The Yes, We Can!!!...
To tell you the truth, I didn't know how things concerning the Tuesday primaries were going to turn out, judging from the coverage from the mainstream media. I guess they are a little salty right about now. Last night I called my NC family from Northeastern NC and from the Triangle area to get a sense of what was really going on. They said they delivered on a promise to support Obama, and they did in a big way. Of course, the competition isn't over, but it brings Obama that much closer to gaining the Democratic nomination.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Birthday Candles And Birthday Wishes...
Look Who's Back!!!! *lol* Have A Slice Of Cake!!!
Hello good people. It's been a while since I've blogged regularly. Thank you for bearing with me. I don't do like other folks and announce that I'm leaving my blog for a little while. I just show up when I have the time to do it. I've been extremely busy at my job. It's that simple.
Let's play catch up. A couple of weekends ago, your girl celebrated another birthday. I'm in the deepend of my 30's now. *eek* I demand a complete up and down investigation as to where all the years have gone. I want to know. *tapping foot* Okay, I'm okay now. *lol* Well, anyhoo I usually don't have a lot of fanfare going on with my birthday. And since my family and friends live quite a ways from me, I usually celebrate alone with plenty phone calls all day long on into the next few days as I open their gifts to me. I was happy with that.
Every since my little speeding incident with the Five-O, I've become a little more aware of their presence. I just don't know why they started trying to pull me over. A cop I never noticed before lives in my condo neighborhood. Am I a po po magnet? Perhaps not. Someone told me that I live and work in an area concentrated with lots of law enforcement agencies. That makes sense. I drive through 3 counties and on 2 major highways from central Maryland to Baltimore and back everyday. That means that I see county cops, county sheriffs, city cops, park police, state troopers, and other federal law enforcement on the regular. Shux, I think I can spot just about any po po vehicle in enough time to slow the car down before reaching them.
But something happened to me on my birthday which I couldn't spot. Like I said, I had been receiving my birthday wellwishes from family and friends most of the day. What people should know is that I don't officially celebrate my birthday until night time when I was born. I try to hang onto any shred of youth earlier in the day. I hold onto it like me holding onto the back of a car bumper with the car rolling down the road at 80 mph. Shux.
Well anyway, why when I was talking on the phone did I have to click over for another call? I naturally thought it was another family member or friend reminding me how I was about to lose my spring chicken status. Not. At night, the County Police called me from the outside front door intercom to tell me that they needed me to open the condo's front door so they could access someone from another unit. I didn't believe it. In fact, I told them that they had the wrong number and that I was on a long distance phone call. I really didn't feel like going downstairs to open the door after I had just taken a nice, relaxing shower. It would have taken a stick of dynamite to blast me out of my place as comfortable as I was. I wonder how they came to call me. From the outside of the building, my last name is smack dab in the middle of the directory. The old lady who lives in the front of the building would have been more than happy to open the door and help them investigate any happenings. Old folks be on those stings. *lol* And my unit number is on another floor from the one they claim they needed to get to. So why are they calling me? Well, after my good senses kicked in I told the police I'd see what I could do. Afterall, one of those old ladies from downstairs could have been choking on a piece of fatback. I called 911 to verify the police's presence. Yup, it was legit, but they were at the wrong condo building. I never went to the front door. Shux, I had gifts to open.
Was this really a coincidence? Maybe so. I don't think it was Officer Freckles. My friends thought he was at the door and they said that I should have come down the stairs slowly wearing feathered highheels and a silk robe. *lol* I keep crazy friendss. *lol* How was I going to do that? I'd probably slip and fall down the stairs since I'm not use to wearing highheels anymore. How stupid will I have looked? The po po would have had to break the door down to let the paramedics in to tend to me. Not. I think the whole situation with the po po calling me on my birthday was all a coincidence. I think that my wild self is attracting the po po, because I still love to speed in my space shuttle of a car.
Well, I have to get going to work. Take care and have a great day. : )
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Tag, I'm It...
Mention the rules in your blog.
Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them.
Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger's blogs letting them know they've been tagged.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Jay-Z
They Were Smart To Keep Their Wedding Private...
It appears by all media reports that Beyonce and Jay-Z got married on Friday under a cloak of secrecy. Supposedly, they got married in a building Jay owns. I guess that makes sense. He can control the comings and goings enough to keep the media out. All we've seen are the pictures of a few guests arriving and some expensive flowers on the sidewalk. Did any of you catch a picture of Beyonce's dad? My sister said that he looked like he was going to a funeral. I guess it's that whole Joe Jackson thing. Once folks get married, the whole focus of the career and control shift in a whole another direction. Oh well, they'll be okay.
When I emailed the first reports to my sister, she proclaimed that they had already been married a long time ago. Like years ago. Hmm. That's a thought. But what I will say is that Beyonce and Jay-Z were right to not talk publicly about their relationship, although they are seen together all the time. It seems like this is the way to do things to keep from creating a circus-like atmosphere. I can't tell you how many weddings I have been to that have bordered on becoming a spectacle, because of the many side shows with jealous folks who wished that they were getting married, gossipmongers, reluctant in-laws, unruly kids, complainers (they don't like the cake, the dinner, the music, the bride's dress), the workhorses (bridesmaids), drunkards, the women who will put somebody's eye out behind trying to catch the bouquet and so on and so forth.
I've heard people say that they want a small wedding. By the time, their family members and friends get involved, the wedding becomes a full-scale social extravaganza dipped in solid gold. They end up having several bridesmaids, who have to kick out some major cash to pay for the dress (inlcuding the alterations), shoes, make-up, hairdo, etc. And the brides end up inviting a long list of people, which means that they will need to reserve a huge reception hall. If they are going to have that many people, they will go out their way to impress and to show their appreciation to them with nice food and music. That's got to translate to a big price tag. That's totally fine if that's what the bride and groom want. It's their call.
Big wedding, small wedding, to each his/her own. But I really can't see me spending a lot of money for one day. I was watching all those wedding shows in the WE channel and some of those brides were spending as much as $50,000 -$100,00. *Blink* I'd rather take that money and put it towards a down payment for a really nice and larger house. Plus, a big wedding would take too much out of me since I'm a shy person. What would I look like with that spotlight on me all day? If and when I ever get married I just want to concentrate on my relationship with my groom with very few distractions. A small ceremony with a few close family members and friends would be good enough for me. As for Beyonce and Jay-Z, they pulled it off. The media don't have one picture of them getting married. All the media has to go on is hearsay. Congrats and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Carter.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
What Ever Happened To R&B???...
It's Somewhere Beneath The Surface...It's Around...
It amazes me how other artists with very little vocal ability, limited lyric writing skills, and propped up personas on the backdrop of a lot of production make it to the top. Let the record slip or the soundtrack give up and walk away. Then those artists are left standing on the stage with a blank expression on their faces as they barely attempt to hum a tune in a bucket. Were they pretending to be vocal artists? Was it the money that led their careers? Can they really understand what it is to feel music? *Shaking Head*
It's a good thing that's not Jaheim's problem. Jaheim reminds me of the old school artists. I just get lost in his voice. He could sing the alphabet to me for all I care. You know, his voice is not contrived or forced. It's so natural as if he's holding a casual conversation. He may fly under other folks' radar screens, but not mine. I'm onto his vocal stylings. Yeah, he's got to do the industry thing and make those videos, but I think I was more drawn into his music with his performance on Tom Joyner's in studio recording jam segments. See it for yourself right here ==> Anything, Never, And Fabulous.
Well, I've got to get rolling for work. Take care and have a great day. : )
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I Still Support You, OBAMA!!!
Obama '08: Yes We Can!!!...
Let the political pundits dissect/twist your every word and action, while they purposely overlook their own historical crimes against humanity.
However, I thank you for being brave enough to not back down and explain what you believe with regard to race issues in America. I also thank you for your steadfast campaign message of promoting hope, healing, and unity for all people. You can take comfort in knowing that if you win, you will win standing on your feet and not kneeling on your knees. For that, I still support you.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Moody Monday Dipped In Honey...
Uploaded by Erykah-Badu
Shux, What Happened To The Weekend???...
Don't pay me any attention. I ask that same question every Sunday afternoon like it's some sort of surprise that I have to go work the next day. I act like I got ripped off. Yup, I'm thankful for my job, but not for the craziness that is sometimes involved. So, to kick my workweek off to a fun start, I'll play a video by Erykah Badu. She's a different kind of person in an artsy way, but I think it's funny that she had Common wearing those crocheted pants on the cover of Essence magazine. Brotha was hooked.
Oh well, I've got to run and try to be on time for work for a change. Have a great day with your fabulous sevlves!!!... : )
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The Five-O Caught Me...
Drats...Why Must They Hassle Me???...*Sigh*
See this is what had happened...Everyday I'm practically running late for everything. I'm running late for work, the hairdressers, dentist, and anything else. What can I say? I'm a follower of CP time. So anyway, as usual I was scurrying around trying to get out of my place to get ready for work. But before I leave, I have to check the thermostat, make sure the clothes/hair irons are unplugged, make sure the toaster/stove is off, and make sure the water is turned off. Just stack that on top of me having to take a shower, do my make-up, do my hair, eat breakfast, blog, pay bills, clean out the refrigerator, find some stockings without any runs in them, transfer things to a matching purse, and pick out a perfume that I'm feeling that particular day. So, you sort of see why I'm always running late.
Anyhoo, after finishing getting ready, I got in the car, turned on the radio, then put my foot to the accelerator like I always do. The car starts off at 60 mph or at least 40 mph. I had to hurry up and get to my cotton picking gig that pays me. I'm from North Carolina where there is a lot of ground to cover so we might as well tear on down the street. I sometimes think my car is the shuttle. That thing sure can move when it wants to. I didn't make it a mile away from home before the Five-O pulled me over. It's really too bad that I couldn't see over the hill, because I would have seen them at the bottom of it. Dangit, the Marlyand county police had about three or four cruisers out there on a speed patrol sting. I tried to put on my brakes, but it was too late. I was too through.
An officer came out in front of the road and instructed me to stop to the right. Well, I pulled over like I was supposed to and didn't drive off like you see folks do in the movies. I was asked for my license and registration. Some kind of way I didn't have the sense enough to turn down the radio, which was locked onto the Steve Harvey show. Steve had some caller singing offkey, which made the policeman laugh. I wasn't. I sat there blinking. I decided to stay quiet and keep my sarcastic comments and jokes to myself. I was looking straight ahead and thinking, "Well D*mn. I'm running late for work and the doggone police got me looking crazy with other motorists driving by giving me the better you than me look. Some of them deserved to be flagged down too."
The strangest thoughts cross your mind at times like this. I was thinking that if there was anything good to come of this is that I was freshly showered and my hair and make up were on point. Plus, I smelled good. Some days we have to accept the small victories where we can get them. In the midst of my mind running fast, the officer knocked on my window to talk to me. I was still looking straight ahead. You know I had a flash back of 1987 when I was trying to get my license when I was a teenager. The state police in NC were so mean near my hometown. Those mean ole geezers from the state police were in charge of administering the driving tests. The written part of the driving test was a breeze. However, for me trying to pass the driving part of my test wasn't successful, because I felt like I had gotten into the car with a member of the KKK. Well he looked like one and didn't say not one word to me, but that I had flunked the driving part of the test. Let's just say the next time I was smart enough to wait until the lady patrol officer was free to test folks. I passed the test then.
Getting back to yesterday, the officer must have sensed my uneasiness. I wasn't going to cry, but I sure didn't turn my head the whole time until he announced that he wasn't going to give me a ticket. Some men swear that we women have it better and are able to convince male officers to let us off the hook. I didn't do anything flirtatious. I just sat there blinking looking straight ahead. The officer said that he'd give me a warning this time around, which made my day. I turned around to finally look at him for the first time and realized that he looked like a younger version of Tom Joyner. To show my gratitude, I thanked him, told him that I saw the error of my ways, and promised not to speed anymore....err in the neighborhood. I think this is what we call kissing up and laying it on really thick a little bit saying you were right and I was so wrong. *lol* Side Note: Sometimes you got to do what you got to do even after you're off the hook to make it easier if he sees me speeding down the street tomorrow. *lol* He followed up with telling me to drive safer. He said that he would be out here in the area watching and that if I see a lightskin police officer with freckles that would be him. He was smiling and joking after that; he wasn't unprofessional though by giving me that warning piece of paper. Hmph. I guess that's called service with a smile. Was that a come on or just a cop trying to be nice? I don't know. I'm open to stuff like that. I was starting to feel really shy like a little school girl. What was that all about? A friend said that I should have flirted and given my number to him. What the? But anyhoo, I'm just thankful that he let me off. Thank you, Mr. Freckle Face. : )
*Whew* That was close. I was just trying to focus on not tearing away at top speed like I always do. It sure would be a shame for the police to have to pull me over again down the street. I suppose I better not drive so fast. From here on out, I promise to be a good girl. *lol*
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Blogging On The Run...
Will Macy's Remain The World's Larget Store In This Economy???...
"According to the 2008 AlixPartners Consumer Sentiment index, consumers are bargain shopping. If you shopped at Nordstrom and Macy's, you're now shopping at JC Penney or Kohl's. If you were shopping at JC Penney, now you're shopping at Wal-Mart. And those people who were shopping at Wal-Mart, they're at the dollar stores."
Aint that the truth. On the shopping foodchain where are you now? Here's an interesting article about consumers' pinching pennies. ==> Walmart and Dollar Tree Here We Come!!!...
One more thing, I've gotten behind in my online tabloid gossip. The job won't let me appear in the role of Aunt Lula anymore on C.runk and Disorderly and any other blog. Those were the days. *sigh* Moving along. Is Kimora expecting a baby with her model boyfriend, Djimon Hounsou? And is she divorced from Russell Simmons?
Well, Is She Expecting Or What? What Do You Think?
Monday, March 10, 2008
A Clinton - Obama Ticket???...
After Everything That Has Been Said And Done, Are They Serious???...
Word on wires is that the Clinton team is thinking of asking Obama to be the running mate as the VP of course. Something about that picture looks odd. Read it for yourself ==> A Clinton-Obama ticket???...
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Handwashing Is So Essential...
It's A Wonder Why More People Don't Do It...
Wet Hands...
As I sped along the road the leads to my job's complex yesterday morning, I quickly prayed that the Lord would help free me of that place. I need a break. I need some time to relax and just take care of home. Well, as soon as I made it through the outside guard's gate, parked the car, and then walked into the entrance of the building, the male guard announced to me that the building was about to be closed because there is no hot water. I could have picked up and kissed that man. He was short. My prayer had been answered, even for that day. *Whew*I still had to go up to my office and check-in with the boss and wait for the official announcement. But last week, I do remember calling the building folks to tell them that we didn't have any hot water in the restrooms on my floor. That was Thursday. And evidently, they couldn't fix the problem. I'm wondering whether my job's cafeteria had hot water last week and were they washing their hands and pots and pans with hot water. Ahhhhh....Moving on...
Folks "NOT WASHING THEIR HANDS" is a huge pet peeve for me. I can't tell you how many times I've seen women not wash their hands. They will go straight from the stall to leave the restroom or go through the motion of washing their hands by running their hands under the faucet minus the soap. What the???!!! And men aren't off the hook either? I'm not in there restroom to see, but other men have told me that some men definately leave the restroom without putting a bit of water on their hands. Shux, what's the use of developing vaccines and cures when folks won't do the most basic thing of washing their hands? Weren't we all taught this as little children at home and at the daycare center?
Furthermore, I really get heated when touchy-feely folks feel the need to reach out and touch with their dirty selves. For example, during a meeting why did a nasty co-worker of mine, who insist on sucking all the fur and fruit off of a peach, confide to me that he keeps it in his mouth for at least an hour or so to get all the nutrients out? *rolling eyes* Then he proceeds to be animated and reach out to touch me, because that's who he is. So, I had to let him know who I was and let him know that I don't dig touchy-feely folks and he best keep his hands to himself no matter how innocent that act. Just nasty.
Others are not touchy-feely, but are just publicly nasty. Another example is that I was waiting in line in the drive-thru at Taco
Dry Hands And Turn Off Tap With Towel...
Have you ever wanted to tell another adult to wash his or her hands? So much for hurting folks' feelings. I've told someone before at work. I didn't know the person and she was a bit embarrassed. But you know these are the same people who will bring their coffee mugs and even the punch bowl used for office parties in the ladies' restroom to wash in those sinks. So, you see there is a big problem. Well, I can't fix the world on the handwashing front. However, you know where you can find some handwipes. At my desk. *lol*
I've got to get ready for work. Take care, have a great day, and wash those suckers. :-)
Monday, March 03, 2008
The Cubicle Chronicles: Part 8
Monday Mornings...
I don't know you about you, but Monday mornings are always tough on me. It really starts somewhere and sometime Sunday afternoon. But let me tell you how much I love Fridays. I love knowing that I don't have to wake up at the break of dawn on Saturday morning, figure out what to wear, and anticipate putting up with a lot of foolishness for the next 8 1/2 hours. The weekend is pregnant with possibilities. I vow to clean my place from top to bottom, to wash all loads of clothing, and to make homemade meals. And the icing on the cake would be to work on applying for a better job.
But now we're back at Monday...I'm dragging my wagon...Again...
Yesterday, why did I run across a couple of blogs where the people have quit their jobs with no new jobs lined up? They simply said that they had enough of their jobs and walked away. They say that they are going to catch up on their sleep, listen to music, travel abroad, and pretty much do anything else they darn well feel like. Must be nice, huh? I sort of want to know who these people are and how they are able to just walk away. They actually claim that they liked their co-workers, but hated the job they've been at that job for 4 or 5 years.
I've been at my job for 16 years now. I started out there just after college. And I just want to say that it's really not that easy to walk away as some suggest. We don't want to jump from the pan to the skillet just to spite someone and show them a thing or two. Another job may not have the same benefits and pay. Many of us have responsibilities. I don't have kids yet, no. But there are bills to pay in this shaky economy. So, I've got to stay until I can find something better. In the meantime, I have to cope with the situation at hand. Please don't get me wrong. I appreciate my job. It just gets to be much when I'm having to do twice as much to get half as much while the thinner lips get higher and higher without experience and education. I kid you not. From the time that I get in the office first thing in the morning, I'm whisked away for my input for impromptu meetings. And many days out of the week, I'm working through my lunch at work and doing overtime minus the extra money.
I'm not alone though. I just vent here. My co-workers are a little more comical in their coping mechanisms. My next door neighbor co-worker cuts in and out of the office to do the least bit of work possible. I wouldn't be surprised to see him lower himself out of the ceiling from a rope to his cubicle Batman-style to put on his fascade. Another co-worker has been wearing a neck collar thingy you see folks wear after getting into an accident. Most of us there don't think she's been in an accident; we believe she just wants attention. When a co-worker asked why she wasn't wearing it, she hurried to put it back on. *sigh* On the job, I just work on Sudoku puzzles during break. All is not doom and gloom. We just have to keep hope alive, pray, look for a brighter day, and aggressively look new jobs...I'm hungry. I better get to my Cheerios.
Well I've got to get ready for work. Take care and have a great day anyway.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Voting Season: And They're Off...
The Golden Gloves Have Come Off...
Smear Pictures, Swift Boats and All...
Good morning, everyone. I have to blog and run again before I go off to work. I really don't have time to pull together a good ole fashioned blog entry. That means that I'm ironing clothes, eating breakfast, writing bills, and writing this blog entry at the same time. So, I'll do something quick and easy like vent. You know venting is usually carried out at the end of a hard workday. But here is the exception.
Let me set this thing up here. Since I was a little girl around five years old back in the 1970's, I've been watching the evening news. In addition to that, now as a grownup I read the newspapers, blogs, and online news articles from just about any outlet. You know the perspective can be different given the outlet. Plus I watch many of the news shows on tv. You get my drift. I've seen and heard a lot of things over the years. I'm no newcomer to the game.
And speaking of games, I've never seen more games and dirty tricks as right now in the political arena. Okay, there are no swift boats zipping this time around. It's just when I think of dirty tricks I think of swift boats. Yeah, I know folks would dare to ask me what did I expect and how could I be so naive. But they need to see my point of view. Right here and right now we as a people throughout the country aren't doing so well if others haven't noticed. Umm. Let's rattle off the list of battle wounds.
Folks are losing their jobs left and right. They are trying to figure out where their next meal is coming from and where they will lay their head tonight. A ton of folks are losing their homes to foreclosure. Folks are up to their necks in debt, while so-called highly-trained economists, who should know better, try to convince us that we aren't in a recession. There are people out here who have husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and even young grandmothers and grandfathers dying and getting injured in wars around the world. Education is so bad these days that the high school kids who are thinking about enlisting in the military don't even know where the wars are taking place. Can they even find Iraq and Afghanistan on a map without being prodded?....Let me continue on with the list. Big business has twisted Uncle Sam's arm to make it hard for us little people to file for bankruptcy. Big business also has it such that you can't sue them, even if they are in the wrong. Other folks have learned that getting sick and staying in the hospital for a couple of days is the road to possible poverty. That's why I understand why old folks will paste on some honey to a wound and keep getting up. You get my drift, right? We need to see a brighter day.
So with all of this swirling around, when are the candidates and their supporters going to get it?
We voters don't need anymore smear pictures, false statements, and the overproduction of enough bullcrap to last us to the next millenium. We voters want to hear answers and workable yet realistic solutions. Enough of the cute one-liners to one up the rival and to serve as the headline to the newspapers the next day. We need sound ideas to get the country back on track. We need to fill the people with enough hope to make it to the next day. We need to see, hear, and feel that someone out here running to be the leader cares enough to tell the truth and be straight with us.
The truth is all we want. Let that be the backdrop of the campaigns.
Okay, I've got to ready for work. Take care and have a great day. :-)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
A Piece Of Cake...
Life's Been A Piece of Cake....That's a Lie...
It's been a while since I blogged. In fact, I had to look for my password. But I'm back in the saddle blogging again. I'm going to type a little something before I go to work. But check this out. Shortly after the New Year, the IT folks at my job changed the computer systems and made it such that we can't delete the history file anymore. There's no more viewing Y.ouTube and listening to audio files that aren't streaming. There's no more communication on the sidebar of the g.oogle g.mail account. No more Aim. And a little box appeared for a week or so even when you attempted to perform a search on Y.ahoo or G.oogle sort of notifiying you that they're watching. All kinds of other sites are banned and you get a nice little message letting you know that you are in violation of the rules. Shux, I tried to view Shamu, the orca killer whale extraordinaire, at the water park and got that message. I'm just glad that I'm not addicted to the chatrooms anymore. *lol* So, let's just say most of my blogging we be done at home.
Well there you have it. This explains why I can't really blog as much as I used to. But you know what? I'm still not ready to give up on blogging. I love it too much. Shux, with Ree Ree tearing into Beyonce and Tina (Ree Screams==>"Don't You Know I'm The Queen!!!..."Ree Ree take a seat. Tina Turner, Chaka Khan, Gladys Knight, Patti LaBelle and others are also queens and very gifted); Tavis showing a little attitude with Obama about declining an invitation to appear at Tavis' forum (Tavis we love you, but please chill.); and political campaigns pulling out every dirty trick they can, you KNOW I wanted to a piece of that. It's like online gossiping. I think I love reading other folks' blogs better than writing my own. I'm just going to have to blog when I get home from work.
I've got to get ready for work. I hope everyone is doing great and feeling fabulous. Take care and have a great day. :-)
Monday, January 21, 2008
Trying To Play Catch Up For The New Year...
What Can A Procrastinator Say???...
Well for starters I can say, Happy New Year!!!...As far as I'm concerned that saying is good to go until the end of the month. Yeah, I've been meaning to update my blog. But I said what the heck. I could stand to take a vacation from this. I'm not going to get too deep at all today. I'll just glide into my first blog post of the year. I hope all of you are doing well. What's going on with you? Here are a couple of random thoughts I have about various topics.
1. The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
I'm very appreciative that King and many others sacrificed and made things better for the generations coming after them. I just hope that we can do this for the generations that come after us. This is really the only true way to show honor.
2. Primaries and Caucuses
Is this presidential campaign getting dirty or what? Yes siree. But it's not surprising. I just wished Robert Johnson, the founder of BET, would have used better judgment and not put his whole foot down his throat. Yeah, he has a right to support Hillary Clinton, but was it really necessary for him to verbally suckerpunch Obama on the sly. Since when does Robert Johnson speak for black folks? Isn't he the one who held sanctified Sunday morning programming on BET, only to have booty shaking or other vulgar shows start viewing at 12 noon? Johnson wins the sit down and shut up award. Exit stage left.
3. Televison Shows Go Static
Is the writers' strike really bothering us? I can't speak for other folks, but the strike really isn't bothering me. I haven't been a prime time tv watcher for a long time now. I also understand that this isn't all about me. Writers are demanding that they get their fair cut of the profits and I don't blame them. Until the writers and the studios are able to reach an agreement, I'll continue to surf the web and watch DVDs and cable tv.
4. Eddie Murphy and Tracey Edmonds Scrap and Run
What a big mess? The real story behind their so-called symbolic Bora Bora wedding ceremony and a split will come out sooner or later. Their public relations reps are in full effect stating that they are still friends, although they left Bora Bora on separate planes. M'kay. Rumors have stated that Eddie shouted at Tracey in front of people or Tracey wouldn't sign a prenup or Tracey wanted his money or Eddie was requiring Tracey to take his surname, etc. Then there was some talk about Johnny Gill. Who knows what is actually is true? I just think Tracey got out just in time. Hmph. All I know is I like hearing her ex-hubby singing about cooking as soon as he gets home. Tracey might want to call him up. One more thing, I can only imagine what Nicole, Melanie B "Scary Spice", and Tracey could dish about Eddie...
5. Another Secret Marriage
My cousin from Atlanta called me over the weekend to tell me that Martin Luther King, III got married about a couple of years ago and is about to become a dad with his new wife. Hmmm... First I'll say congrats and best wishes. I just don't know about the secret marriage part. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually got married two weeks ago or even two months ago. I just don't see how public records at the courthouse can be hidden from the media, other curious folks, and especially folks who work at the courthouse for two whole years. I still wish them the best.
6. Hollywood Is Pregnant With Possibilities
Everywhere you look stars are poking out. Garcelle Beauvais Nilon gave birth to twins a couple of months ago. Nicole Richie and Christina Aguilera gave birth about two weeks ago. Halle Berry and Jennifer Lopez are coming along nicely. Could you be next?
7. Yanni's Block is back. Enjoy!!!...