Thursday, May 24, 2007

There She Goes Again....

Rosie's Can't Leave The View Fast Enough...

I'm not going to get into the political ramifications of the arguments behind what happened on The View yesteday. I will just tell you that the Bully Rosie O'Donnell and Elisabeth Hasselbeck got into a heated debate. I usually don't agree with Elisabeth's political views at all, but I don't agree with the way she was treated. Rosie needs to "learn" how to attack the issues and not the people. One day she'll come into contact with someone who is her verbal equal or superior and then she'll know what it's like to be bullied. *lol* Perhaps, she has. Donald Trump is still joking on her.

Over the course of this year, Rosie has "initiated" attacks on Kelly Ripa, Donald Trump, the Asian community, and now her co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Rosie has done more damage to the show than Star Jones Reynolds ever did. But that goes to show that definitely what goes around comes around. TV execs and greasy Babs kicked Star out only to take on Rosie who shows no respect to anyone but herself. Who watches The View anymore anyway? I stopped watching it a few years ago. I only heard about this flap on the news. Stick a fork in The View. It's done!!!...

Update: Yesterday, ABC tv execs announced that Rosie asked to be let out of contract early, and the tv execs granted her request. A couple of entertainment news web sites unofficially reported that Rosie's assistant put mustaches on Elisabeth's pictures in the hall and that Rosie trashed her dressing room. ABC only confirmed that the mustaches were drawn. Is this junior high school all over again or what? Good riddance Rosie.


YouToldHarpoTaBeatMe said...

I was channel surfing and heard the recap of them going toe-to-toe. How does one justify calling someone a coward for not cosigning with the B.S. coming out of your mouth?

I don't care for either female, but Rosie has GOTta go.

PoppaXL said...

Not only do I not care for either of those females, I didn't care for the show either. Let us not forget how they did Star Jones?

Anyway, I came across the whole thing by seeing the story on CNN. I checked out the video on YouTube with several other thousands of people and I personally thought it was hilarious. What was even funnier was the snub that Alicia Silverstone did to Elizabeth when she came on shortly after. Hilarious!

Miz JJ said...

I think Elizabeth was a bit disingenous. She was asked to go on Faux (Fox) News because of her association with Rosie. Not because of any special skill set she holds. they used her to bash Rosie and Rosie was upset by it. If Elizabeth has a brain she would realize that. They need to fire Elizabeth and hire an intelligent conservative to debate on that show. I am definitely not a conservative, but it would be nice to hear from a coherent one once in awhile.

Anonymous said...

I never did like Elizabeth. Mainly because Lisa Ling seemed irreplaceable to me on that show. I predict The View will fold this summer. Though Rosie was controversial, she brought in the ratings.

Aziza said...

Hey everyone. It's so nice to see folks visiting my blog after I abandoned it for a little bit. *eek*

But back to Rosie. I think Rosie's last fiasco on "The View" had very little to do with the war debate or even Elisabeth. Rosie is loud and rude and basically dominated all of the show's co-hosts so that they'd never be given a second to get a word in.

Rosie has a problem of starting mess with folks (Tom Selleck, Rosie's business partners with her former magazine, Kelly Ripa, Clay Aiken, Asian Community, Miss USA, Donald Trump and others) and then expecting her friends and colleagues to bail her out. She keeps some mess going. I see if people were starting mess with her, but no, she initiates the drama. I understand about have one's back, but dang, Rosie goes at it with everybody all the time. She needs to support what she believes, and leave folks' names out of her mouth. Also with an increase in ratings, Rosie brought enough headaches to the show's producers. They will never confess to her bringing down the show.

One way or the other, it's time for "The View" to go off the air. It's really too bad Bob Barker is retiring from the Price Is Right. I had started watching Bob again when I stopped watching those old cackling hens on "The View."