Monday, March 17, 2008

Moody Monday Dipped In Honey...

Uploaded by Erykah-Badu

Shux, What Happened To The Weekend???...

Don't pay me any attention. I ask that same question every Sunday afternoon like it's some sort of surprise that I have to go work the next day. I act like I got ripped off. Yup, I'm thankful for my job, but not for the craziness that is sometimes involved. So, to kick my workweek off to a fun start, I'll play a video by Erykah Badu. She's a different kind of person in an artsy way, but I think it's funny that she had Common wearing those crocheted pants on the cover of Essence magazine. Brotha was hooked.

Oh well, I've got to run and try to be on time for work for a change. Have a great day with your fabulous sevlves!!!... : )


Anonymous said...

Erykah's coochie has the ability to change men's styles.

TDJ said...

My husband swears that Erykah's cooch should be launched into outer space. He cites Andre 3000 as the only exmaple needed. *lol*

TJ said...

You know she wont tell nobody who she seein now cause folk STILL talkin bout them crocheted pants. LOLOL.