Sunday, December 24, 2006
Happy Holidays...
"Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is this day, in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."
- Luke: 2:10, 11
It's just about that time for me to hitch my sleigh to Rudolph and head down south to good ole North Carolina to spend the holidays with family and friends. But before I go I would like to thank the following bloggers (those who read my blog and the owners of the blogs I read) for making this year a great one: Princess Dominique, Luke Cage, Artist Greggy, SP, ShellyP, Melette, Nikki, Sagaciously, Harpo, Neenalove, Soror Xquizzyt1, Soror Call2Arms, EJFlavors, Simply Schatzi, *RPM*, Honest, CreoleInDC, LivingSingle, Miz JJ, Pamalicious, Field Negro, Margaret, A Diva In Scrubs (Where are you?), Cru.nk and D.isorderly, Tam, KoolBreeze, the lurkers, and many others. If I made a mistake and left someone out, just know that I didn't mean to. Everyone have a great and safe holiday!!!...
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Rosie and The Do.nald Tango..
Tiz The Season To Not Keep One's Fat Trap Closed... *Snicker*
Rosie can't seem to stay out of the middle of controversy. About a month ago, Rosie had some stiff words for Kelly R.ipa, because Kelly complained about Cl.ay Aiken placing his hand over her mouth when he guest hosted the Re.gis and Kelly Show. Rosie mentioned something about Kelly's statement being a slap to the g.ays, although Clay has opted to not discuss his gender preferences. So in a sense, Rosie took it upon herself to get in someone else's business when it wasn't her place. Then a couple of weeks ago, Rosie's mouth was off to the races. Her mouth went off namely on the Asian race when she pretended to be talking in an asian language using the words ching chong. That display was downright tacky, disrespectful, and racist.
Now Rosie has ruffled the fragile coiffed mane of the Donald enough for him to threaten to sue her for the fun of it. At issue is Rosie's reaction to the Donald's decision to give another chance to the current reigning Miss U.SA after she was found to be engaging in inappropriate behavior that involved underage drinking, taking drugs, and some other things (if you know what I mean). Things took a turn for the ugly. Rosie questioned the Donald's morals (marital cheating) and then went on to ridicule his hair and his financial savvy (filing for bankruptcy a while back). The Donald shot back calling her fat and a slob among other things before threatening to sue her. Oh what a tangled web we weave. *shrug*
I bet Star is off somewhere smirking. Babs, are you sure you made the right decision to can Star and hire Rosie? I think that thing about Karma is really true.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
What Christmas Shopping???...
Ch...Ch..Ch..Ch.ia... *lololol*...
To all the folks who are finished Christmas shopping, I bid a big fat so what. *lol* Yeah, I'm jealous. And as president of the Procrastinators Association, I pledge to complete my shopping by Friday and next year to do a better job. I hope. Yeah right. But seriously, where did the time go? Wasn't it just summer a little while ago? Nevertheless, my back is up against the wall trying finish everything (shopping, projects at work, applying for more new jobs, washing clothes, etc.) by Friday. Shux, I just mailed out my Christmas cards yesterday. I just hope my friends out in Hawaii receive theirs by Christmas or within the week of Christmas. Back to the Christmas gifts, fortunately for me, the people receiving my gifts never require anything expensive. Our approach is that we don't want anyone going into deep debt behind holiday shopping. It just takes time to select the books or music that I think they'll like. I just like to give people gifts to show my appreciation. So, I guess giving Ch.ia pets to everyone is out of the question, huh? *lol* Well, in the wee hours of the morning the commercial made them seem so half way decent. Who wouldn't want to receive a Shaggy Ch.ia pet? *weak smile*
As for my computer usage at work, my job hasn't totally put a stop to us employees surfing the net. They put out a memo explaining some things. Plus, I've noticed that they reboot our machines a lot lately (every night) letting me know that they are up to something like loading some tracking software. Just last week, I got a warning page on the net after trying to access's page. I wanted to see which one body slammed it's keeper underwater. I was innocent, but not
However, I can somewhat understand my job's IT folks' actions, because of my co-workers have gotten so ridiculous and abusive with their web activities that they've made it bad for those of us who are doing harmless surfing. I'm surprised at how many people don't know what's inappropriate. Folks were trying to run their side businesses at their jobs and downloading some really risque pictures on the job site. Triple tisk on them. I still frequent news websites like CNN, Yah.oo News, the Wa.shington Post, and a few other safe blogs, but my days of visiting Cr.unk and D.isorderly at work are over. I just make sure I visit those kinds of sites when I get home. *hee hee*
Well, I've got to get ready for work (the con.centration camp).
Monday, December 18, 2006
The Cubicle Chronicles: Part 4...
It's About To Get Testy In The Beehive...
Howdy everyone. I know that it's been awhile since I've posted an entry. Instead of announcing that I'm going to end my blog like other folks do, I don't permanently abandon my blog. I just come back later when I feel like it. *lol* But seriously, I apologize for taking such a long break. But here is what's up. I don't blog as much anymore, because my employer is watching the online movements of its employees. They're all up in our business. In the words of Whitney Houston, "Didn't we almost have it all?" Shux, the blogging was the thing that kept me awake at work. So, I'll be blogging from home from now on. *shrug*
Now onto the beehive...For a while I've been talking about the set up on my job. In case you're new to my blog or need a refresher, I've been working for an office that refuses to promote me, but heavily depends on me to handle their tricky tasks. Last week, we began the beginning of a new evaluation period. So the somewhat new managers (my former line co-workers), called me in to let me know that my detail to another office would not be extended and that they will need me to return to their office (it aint mine) in January, because of the mountain of work they are handling. I'd really love to care, but I don't after 10 freaking years... *sigh*
Pay Back...This Time It's For Real....
I just love that Ge.ic.o commercial....I just wanted to say that. Knowing fully well that my meeting was coming up really was a total drag last week. I haven't returned phonecalls and emails. I'm so ashamed. There's no way that the meeting could happen without some kind of drama. As I purchased my Christmas cards at the grocery store, I was thinking how this year's worth (actually 10 years) of mess on my job was wrecking my flow with the holdiay season. I'm just not in the mood this year, although I've made it my business to buy every piece of holiday candy and cookies I could get my hands on. But with the way things are going for me, the cookies are still sitting in the box for week 2. I thought I wanted them.
Leading up to the meeting, I just couldn't help feeling bad about the way that office has used me over the years. I've been through thick and thin with them. I've been there along the way with every supervisors' agendas, initiatives, and pet projects. I've been a project officer, web person, and policy writer to suit the work. But the noneducated folks with absolutely no experience-having folks have risen in my organization in such a ridiculous manner. Typically, they are the kissups. I'm not. I don't bring any coffee cake, and I don't inject side show clown laughter at jokes that aren't funny. I'm about the business and take on a more academic approach to my position.
Shut up, Already!!!...
After being away from my division for most of the year, the new supervisors are practically groveling at my feet, which I find to be totally disgusting. They've finally come to the realization that I wrote a significant number of the formal/informal decisions and now need me to help their sinking Titanic of an office . But I've told them to not cry for me Argentina, because I've got other plans.
I must admit that I shamelessly manipulated last week's meeting. I determined when it started, what would be discussed, how long the meeting lasted, and when it ended. Passive/aggressiveness really does work. Try it sometime. I know they hated that crap. But hey, after 10 freaking years, I reserve the right to manuever things to my advantage. My strategy was to say very little. Besides, what can they tell me after all this time? Telling the truth would be too much like right for them. They promoted other folks according to favoritism and nepotism over the years at my expense, and now is a time of reckoning. The folks promoted over me haven't ever seen the inside of college classroom or spent time in anybody's army, but they were related to someone on the job. Oh, and did I fail to mention that they very rarely promote us (blacks, hispanics, asians)? Also, during the course of this year the managers allowed a co-worker to steal the reg text that I wrote last year. They (the backstabbing group and not I) received an award for the project, which included my work. I would not have ever known this fact if other people outside of my office hadn't made me aware of it. Oh well. So much for being used.
Mad.Max Zee Beyond ThunderDome...
So, I ask again. What else could my supervisors say to me? Nothing. Yeah, they had two supervisors tagteaming/handling me like I was about to go off and catch a case of the angry black woman's disease. But I flipped the script. I stayed calm and measured my words very carefully. And I proceeded to deliver my message in 2 to 3 sentences, which caught them off guard. I think they probably had rehearsed how to handle me, but were thrown off by my stealth succinct strategy. They weren't going to catch me out here rambling. So they scrambled around trying to draw me into conversation to discuss every little thing that was done wrong to me. I declined. I simply stated that we're at a place and time where things have gone too far for too long and conversation at this point would be moot. Besides, I asked again what could they possibly have to say to me, which left them clearly struggling for several minutes while I looked on in steely silence. After growing tired of their hemming and hawing and failed attempts to take control of the meeting, I announced the end of the meeting. How you like me now? Then they announced that they were very disappointed that things would have to end this way. I tried to express an "I care" look. It didn't work. My transparent self couldn't seem to shake the scowl that's been plastered on my face for a couple of years. So I thanked them for their time, gathered my things, and left. Imagine a sister version of Mommie Dearest in the Pepsi Cola meeting scene. That was me. "It's not my first time at the rodeo show!!!..."
"Whew Times 10"....
That whole meeting performance left me drained. I could have gotten liquored up after that, but I remembered that I never drank. I don't even drink wine; got any recommendations? I wouldn't even know what to buy. So, I went home and had a refeshing cup of cola. With that whole fiasco over with, I'm at a point of deciding what I should do with my career. I'm totally making myself responsible for my own career moves. I will never be loyal like that to another organization again enough to always put their goals above and beyond mine. I've learned a huge lesson and gotten hurt in the process. But next year, I plan to start new and fresh. I'll have to learn to forgive and forget so that I can live my life more abundantly. I've applied to other jobs and I'm back into thinking about how to approach the grad school endeavor. I just talked a good game there. We''ll just have to see if I have what it takes to walk out on faith.
Well, I've got to run along to work now. But I'm going to try to post a few more entries before Christmas. Plus, I'm thinking about doing a blog redesign for next year. I just get tired of my blog looking like everyone elses. And I'm not even going to go into how much I'm not feeling this beta version of blogger. Blah!!!. Well, I'm off. Totally... *lol*
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving...
Everyone Have A Safe And Great Holiday!!!
As we all prepare to travel or stay home to give thanks to the Lord, I just wanted to type this brief blog entry to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving Holiday!!! I said the same thing last year, but I want to add one more thing. In the spirit of giving, if you are hosting a dinner and are aware of someone who may be lonely this time of the year, please think about inviting them over to let them know that someone cares.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Michael Ri.chards, Here We Go Again...
Jerry: Mikey's So Freaking Broken Up Over This...
Well, most folks know now about the incident where Michael R.ichards became upset with a couple of hecklers (two black men) and began shouting racials slurs at them. If memory serves me correctly, all comedians who are on the ropes doing a terrible job on stage have been heckled at one time or another. That goes with the territory. That's the very reason comedians can't be sensitve little chumps when audience members find their jokes not to be funny. Nevertheless, Mikey should have never come out the mouth shouting the "n" word and talking about 50 years ago those black hecklers would have been hanged from a tree. See for yourself at TM.Z: ==> Mikey Gets Caught In The Act.
Mikey and Jerry appeared on the show administering some industrial strength damage control. But Mikey came short of delivering a real apology, and of course didn't stand up before the people he offended to show any type of sincerity. He said something about being sickened by his own words and at the same time proclaimed not to be a racist. Well, if racist slurs were never on his mind, it would never come out of his mouth, right? Shux, I'm just a firm believer of what people say is what they "really" mean.
I'm not really shocked by any of this, since I grew up in the South where slave shacks still stand, where the k.kk still burn crosses, and where some white people still proudly hang con.federate flags on their homes. That's why I'm not some Kumbaya person believing that everything is free and equal. I keep things in perspective. All folks aren't racist, but there is a hefty chunk of those out there who are. By the way, when will the "n" word become obsolete? No time soon. Don't hold your breath.
Well that's my rant for today. I have to get ready for work. Keep your head up!!!...
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Election Day...
Stand Up and Have Your Vote Counted!!!...It's Your Right!!!...
Be sure to vote today. Take a friend. Take your children with you to the polls to show them how to vote and to explain the importance of voting. If your voter qualifications are called into question/challenged, please be sure to ask for a provisional ballot. Then after your qualifications are verified, your vote will be submitted and counted. I've got to run. I'm off to the polls. Have a great day!!!...
Friday, November 03, 2006
2006 Elections: Do Cheaters Change?
The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same...
Before I run along to work, I thought I'd share a few things. In the last couple of elections, my good ole state of Maryland started using the new electronic voting machine (similar to the one pictured above), which is vulnerable to fraud. According to technical experts, these newbies can't be audited, because there isn't any paper document or any evidence left after the voter votes. And if someone is sneaky enough, someone can vote more than once by accessing a certain button. So with these "known" vulnerabilities, after you vote you're not totally sure whether your vote was counted or whether it was screwed around with. In fact, the Governor of my state (who is running for a second term) voted by an absentee ballot yesterday, because he doesn't trust the voting machines. Was he asleep at the wheel when the new voting machines were unveiled during his term in office???...
Miss Zee May I See Your SSN, Birth Certificate, Finger Prints, Driver's License, Automobile Registration???...Now Take This Reading Test???...Can You Jump Over This Building In A Single Bound???...
It never freaking fails; folks are always trying to cheat. Jim Bob and Nem over at the W.ashington Post reported yesterday that they were able to obtain a copy of an instructional guide intended to be used by r.epublican poll workers. The guide's purpose is to teach poll workers how to challenge the voting qualifications of voters, and to threaten the voting judges with the idea of jail time if the challenges are ignored. We all know that we're dealing with some high stakes elections this year, but really comrades, is this necessary?
If I didn't know any better, after reading the Post article, I would have thought we were still living in the 1960's. So let me get this straight. I'm a citizen, registered voter, tax payer, and I've always appeared for court when I've received a jury duty summons, but I can be challenged? On what basis? I wish someone would mess with me. Believe me, I would not go away so easily. I guess more than anything, I'm concerned that other voters may get confused, frustrated, and discouraged enough to either not bother to vote or to leave the polling area after being challenged. See everybody out here isn't aware of his/her rights, which may lead to a botched election and several years of suffering behind the policies of those who were elected by ill-gotten means. Yeah, it's going to get right down testy in the bee hive on the election circuit, but it shows how desperate some are to win by any means necessary. Nevertheless, be sure to take your stand and have your vote counted.
My Name Is Aziza And I Approve This Message...
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Halloween In The H.ood Party...
F.raternity Suspended...
It has become quite fashionable to be these days. A fraternity at J.ohns H.opkins University hosted a "Halloween In The H.ood Party" furnished completely with a black mannequin in a noose. Party participants were encouraged to arrive in clothing from the locale (black neighborhood located near J.HU), which they described as b.ling, ice, grills, and hoo.chie hoops. Some students interviewed on tv admitted that the party was in poor taste and that action should be taken against those involved. However, a white female student claimed that people are getting too upset over every little thing and calling it racist. Nevertheless, the university has suspended the fraternity, but the bigger question is how do people even come up with crap like this anyway???...
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Getting Out The Vote...
Doing Whatever It Takes...
That seems to be the idea that many politicians are following this time around with the 2006 major election one week away. And I for one am sick and tired of it. But let me just say I've never ever forgotten to vote. From the age that I became eligible, I've always tried to stay informed locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally with regard to issues that matter most to me such as healthcare, education, equality, financial responsibility, social responsibility, etc. I take my voting responsibility very seriously and in honor of my forefathers (and foremothers) who weren't allowed to vote in this country before the Civil Rights movement, although they had served in the m.ilitary and paid taxes.
Hello? Hello? Hello?...
But what has become such a pain are the new ways that the politicians are trying to get at registered voters. Just this year, they've discovered the telephone. Just a few years ago, I got on the Do Not Call List that doesn't allow marke.ters to call me so that I didn't have to be bugged with their longwinded sales scripts after a long commute and long day at work. Only certain people are allowed to bug us now. One of those groups are political organizations of course. So let's just say that I received as many as 10 freaking phone calls in one day near the last primary. I had to listen to their crap before I could get to my own messages. They don't pay my phone bill. Yeah, I was peeved to the highest level. Don't they know that I had already made up mind about my election decisions and that I had already received the other 100 pieces of mail that they sent me. I called my party's headquarters to have my name taken off the calling list. But it was too late. My name and number had already been distributed to the candidates and there's no way to have all of them to stop calling. So I did the next best thing. I gave the candidates' polling volunteers a good and civil talk about not bothering the heck out of their potential voters at the polling place on primary day. Just stop it!!!
Television Attack Ads...
Now that the political "Vote for Me...I'm better than my opponent..." phone calls have stopped, the television attack ads are in full swing. During the 6:00 p.m. news, the ads are played back to back to back to back. And by living in a metro area, we folks here have to stomach watching the ads of politicians from Maryland, DC and Virginia. If memory serves me correctly, I don't really remember the ads being this bad in a long time.
When I use to live in NC, I remember the old racist J.esse Helms' ad showing a white hand on a table while a voice was saying that the person loss a job to the other person (referring to a black one.) And by no surprise, he won. That says a whole lot about the majority of folks who voted for him. Things haven't changed. This year in Virginia, the race for a Senate's seat has gotten dirty, with the current Senator G.eorge Allen calling an East Indian Jim supporter a macaca (monkey) at a political rally, and with Senator Allen charging that Webb made sexist comments about women in the military. Briefly, an ad ran in Tennessee targeting Rep. Ha.rold Ford, Jr. by stating that he attended a P.layboy party last year and having a white woman to seductivey whisper into the camera requesting for Ford to call her. Trash. And in Maryland, we have an African American running for the Senate who doesn't let people know that he's belongs to the Re.publican party in an attempt to confuse voters on election day. There's nothing wrong with belonging to one party or the other. So why is there a need for him to state in interviews that he's a D.emocrat? Why the deception? Be who you really are and be clear about what you stand for so that voters will have accurate information. Candidates, do you support the war? Yes or No. Candidates, what are your views on federal spending? Candidates, what are your views on various types of medical research???...
Beyond all the back forth talk and all the finger pointing, I wish the political candidates would understand is that voters want to know what THEIR views are, how THEY plan to vote on key issues, and what plans THEY will put into place if they are elected. Evidently, they haven't taken the time to come up with any answers, so they thought they'd do the next best thing ==>> Attack the opponent and not the issues.... *BUZZ* Wrong answer!!!...
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Great Expectations: Having It All...
The SuperWomen Have Left The Building...
A couple of years ago on a Friday night, I didn't have anything planned. I was just going to spend a quiet night alone at home. So, of course I gave into my tv obsession. However, I'm not really one to watch primetime shows. So, I turned to the local PBS station to watch a women's political round table discussion in which they discuss various issues. On the weekends the DC area is full of roundtable discussion shows on top of the nationally televised ones. This area knows how to spin the heck out of any story large or small.
Can You Really Have It All???...
The round table show consisted of women from different backgrounds (Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, young, middle age, conservatives, and liberals). The topic of discussion dealt with "Having It All," which meant having a successful home life and work life. Right off the bat, the youngest woman on the panel, eagerly presented her point of view about the women's revolution that has allowed women to have it all. She was reminding me of that 1980's Enjoli perfume commercial of the woman bringing home the bacon and frying it up in the pan. There's nothing like a peppy, over-the-top, cheerleader type to speak of something she has no experience with. So, of course, her response was greeted with rolled eyes, sighs, and "why don't you just shut up" dismissive looks by the other panelists who were older women. At one point they looked like they could have collectively pimp slapped Miss Peppy. But they actually probably weren't mad at her. They were probably a little annoyed that after taping the show, they would have to go home to wash the dishes or go to a PTA meeting to discuss why little Timmy hasn't been doing his homework or have to complete a report for work by Monday morning. Reality sure knows how to bite that backside. One lady patiently told Miss Peppy that she use to believe that bullcrap back when she was a spring chicken in law school dreaming of future days when she could come home after work in court to cook a 10-course meal for her family. It's true that a woman can become an astronaut, but most likely she's still concerned that her kids are being well fed and that the house is clean. The other ladies further explained that the "Having It All" concept was nothing more than a pipedream until they redefined "Having It All."
"Having It All": Pipedream or Achieveable Goal???...
This show had me thinking about my own life. My single friends and I use to have conversations about getting married. But with all these long-winded telephone calls, I don't think we ever discussed how life could be after we got married. All the emphasis was on the wedding ceremony itself, with very little thought about the post-wedding life. This had me thinking that this could become a "going from the frying pan to the skillet" type of situation. Being single has its has own set of challenges at times. Many of us single ladies have had to purchase cars and homes alone without the help of a spouse. It's been a tough haul and I imagined that things would have been smoother and easier had I been married, but that's not necessarily so. Some of my married women friends have complained that after a full day's work, they are having to shuttle the kids to football, soccer or dance practice; pick up the groceries; pick up the dry cleaning; cook dinner; load the dishwasher; wash the clothes; help the kids with homework; give the babies a bath; and get the children ready for bed, plus look cute for the hubby.
So, What Is The Answer???...
The focus of the women's round table discussion wasn't so much on the men, but on the blurred responsibilities and expectations concerning the modern day woman. Men and women are a bit unclear about what their roles are. Some men may tend to take a passive role in the home when it comes to house chores, because they were brought up to think that some chores are considered to be feminine in nature. And some women may out of guilt tend to do more housework to make up for working outside of the home. But really. Come on. There are only 24 hours in the day. And am I courting disaster and misery by praying to the good Lord for a husband everyday? Is this what I'm asking to be brought upon me and am I ready? Am I capable of being a great wife and mother? And will my future hubby understand that he's very much needed to make the family work and become successful? I favor a team approach to tackling everything, but then again I've heard from others that sometimes you don't find out what kind of spouse you've got until way after you've said the "I do's." I just hope that we women and men can find some common ground for the good of the family.
Side Note: Why did I see Miss Peppy in the capacity of a political correspondent the other day on tv discussing the Page incident in the C.ongress? And of course, she was off the mark taking up for those who let this go on for years at a time. I need to take up a collection to buy her some flash cards.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
The Cubicle Chronicles: Part 3
Thrown Under The Bus...
That's what's about to happen to me. Let me jog everyone's memory (and mine too). Earlier this year, I blogged about not getting a major promotion for about 10 years and being passed over for people who are related to others at the job. We've got folks' daughters, sons, parents, and spouses working here. That was Part 1. Their success comes at my expense. I need to place a gigantic banner stating exactly that over my cubicle. I would not have known for sure that I was passed over if wasn't for others (including a couple of managers) who told me what happened. With all this said, I requested to perform a detail assignment in another component of my agency. Everything has been going well there, but the component that I actually belong to is holding onto me. They don't want to promote me and they don't want to let me go. And I'll tell you why. I'm the thankless grunt who responds to the reports. When a request comes in from another agency about my agency's functions, I'm the one who writes the response. The work itself isn't too bad if I'm given enough time to do what I need to do. But after the incoming request has been sitting in my supervisor's inbox for a couple months, the day before it's due or sometimes afterwards my boss assigns it to me. Some of the requests may consist of as many as 100 pages or more. But I'm still expected to read them and make recommendations and/or comments by the close of business. And just think this assignment is on top of my regular work. Also, those who were promoted are calling me to help them do their work.
Making Ticket Reservations...
I just know I'm about to be thrown under the bus, because my detail assignment has not been extended as it has been a few times earlier this year. I'm permanent, yet my detail status is in limbo to the extent that my detail supervisor is hestitant to give me work. My supervisor (where my job position actually belongs) is back from her maternity leave and ready to get back in power play mode. I tried to extend an olive branch earlier this year by still attending her baby shower and purchasing gifts out of the goodness of my heart. But it appears that she's back at trying to control my career. I bet she's trying to get me back in there to write those recommendations and comments. As the old folks say, "I ain't studyin them." *Hmph*
Bus Station Announcement: Island Oasis Bus Is Now Boarding...
When I first received word that there was a glitch in my detail extension and my detail area couldn't keep me without my home component's blessing, I started to feel a little down. How is it that I worked hard and treated everyone well to end up at a point where no one is willing to go to bat for me? How is it that people can say that I am an intelligent, hard worker and I still not be promoted? After all these years, you mean to tell me that I have nothing to show. It's been explained to me that one supervisor doesn't want to overstep the authority of another supervisor. What am I going to do about my career?
The Bus Tears Off From The Station With Me Under It...
Well, at times like this, I try to inject a bit of humor into the situation as a coping mechanism. Yeah, I felt down last Friday, but I wasn't in the mood for that. I just don't think it's good to be down for too long of a period over something like that. Besides I had planned on purchasing my i.Pod nan.o that day. I've been to the mountaintop with musical nirvana. Seriously, what else can I do? I have a mortgage and other responsibilities. I know that I've been MIA to friends by not emailing or calling them, but I'm not one to invite alot of people to my pity parties. I don't feel like explaining my woes to them or bringing them down with my disappointments. All I wanted to do is come home (after dropping by the bakery to purchase a couple of cupcakes first) and hang out on my couch while I watch tv shows back to back. Nope, it's not a vacation on an exotic island. But the solitude sometimes does me some good to help me focus on my problems. Last week's epiphany revealed to me that it's time for me to move on to another job in another organization and to pursue grad school like I always planned (that's a whole another blog). There's no need for me to request any meetings with my supervisors or to run to the union. The answer is just as clear as day, and I need to come to grips with it. Besides, why should I fight to be at a place where folks don't appreciate me or a place where the work is boring? There's a great big world out here, and I need to experience it (the good part).
Now that I'm feeling better, I'll email and call my friends so that they can attack me for going missing for a while. Let me take my beating like a woman. *lol* But I really hope that they understand that I needed some time to think things over. My job really had me hanging on a string.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Fun and Fabulous Friday...
Come Make Yourself Comfortable Where The Couch Potato Is King!!!...
It's high tide that I get back on my blog and add an entry. I know it's been a while. I've been bogged down with work and simply just too tired to blog when I got home. I really don't have the time or the energy to blog on something too deep. Perhaps, I'll do that next week. But I thought I'd do something fun today. I'm one of the biggest video fanatics around and found the following fun stuff:
Update (10/8/06): It seems that two of my links to You.Tube videos no longer play, because of copyright issues. When the tube was small and underground, things were great. And now that everyone knows about it, the fun-o-meter has definitely been brought down to a new low. *sigh*
The Soul Train Line...
I couldn't resist showing these Soul Train Line performances. I sprained my ankle and hurt my neck by just watching this. No wonder folks weren't fat back then; those folks had some moves on them back in the day. I was just a little girl when "Soul Train" really use to be something else. I can remember my Aunt having a fish fry at her home on a Saturday evening as many of us gathered around the tv to dance along with the show. Actually, as a toddler I watched. I was way too young to be apart of the whole voluminous, swinging bellbottom pants, huge afros, clog-chunky heels fashion crazes, thank goodness. But it looks really crazy now. I bet little grandkids of previous Soul Train dancers get a kick out of watching their grandparents getting down on the tv. And believe it or not, back then the show was more than just about dancing. The show had a little game where the dancers had to rearrange letters to figure out a famous person's name or place or thing. And way, way, way back in the earliest shows, political statements in an afro-pop culture way were made. I can't speak to today's Soul Train's shows, because I don't watch it anymore, but the video of the old shows sure made me smile and laugh. Yall don't think my co-workers will mind me cutting a few steps in my cubicle? Perhaps, the bump or the rebot???
Don Cornelius: "Love, Peace, and Souuuuuuuuuuuuullllll!!!..."
1960's Wax Commerical...
During my most recent YouT.ube obsession session, I came across this commercial. I wasn't born when this commerical aired on tv. But I sure love those nifty special effects. TV and film sure have come a long way since then.
Before There Were Floor Cleaners, There Was The Shield!!!...
School House Rock: I'm Just A Bill...
I was pleasantly surprised to find this School House Rock video. Cartoons back then weren't as trashy and grown as they are today. Not only were we entertained, but we were educated at the same. Little did I know that this video would pertain to what I do for a living with Uncle Leroy according to my agency's purpose. It's just a good thing that I paid close attention to the lyrics.
Come on...Sing Along If You Can Remember The Lyrics...
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Ball Park Main Cuisine On Hot Seat...
Hold The Chili!!!...
Take Me Out To The Ball Park...
Every morning before I go to work, I spend a good chunk of my time watching the news on tv and on the net. In fact, I haven't seemed to be able to get to work on time, because of my extreme thirst for news. I roll into work around 9:30 a.m...Err... 9:45 a.m. And at the moment, I'm trying to remember in years past when I used to get to work at 7:15 a.m. what was I doing to get to work on time. Oh who cares? It's not like my job's building is going to take off on a rowdy rodeo horse that I would have to lasso in. Hi ho, Silver!!!...So, 9:30 a.m. is the target time for work to begin.
May I Take Your Order Please???...
But getting back to the point of this entry...I just want to know what is safe to eat these days. Every week it seems that a news report comes about this or that food is not safe to eat. Things that are supposed to be good for you to eat are contaminated as well. Veggies are laced with deadly pesticides. Cows and chickens are injected with quick growth hormones. Then there is the talk of the bird flu. After one sip of soda containing high fructose soda, your hips and buttocks are supersized at the speed of light. And a steady diet of potato chips, ice cream, pizza, buffalo wings, sweet potato pie, triple decker cheeseburgers, and delicious desserts will have you breaking down heavy duty furniture in no time. If not that, you'll get diabetes, high blood pressure, aching joints, cancer, kidney failure, etc. Shux, how was I to know that the strawberry shake from C.hick-Fil-A that I lovingly and slowly consumed contained 730 calories? I just found out after visiting their website a little while ago. So, I innocently ask what's safe to eat?
Umm. I'd Like To Order One Dog With Mustard And Relish, But Hold The Chili...
Just this morning, my sister forwarded an email to me about a news report stating that hotdogs may be responsible for genetic mutations, therefore, they are a no go for meal time. Apparently, scientists are saying that hotdogs and other foods containing sodium nitrates used to preserve food also contain carcinogenic compounds. *Eek* And just think the hotdog is supposed to be as American as apple pie. It's served everyday everywhere and at Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day cookouts; parents freely serve hotdogs to their toddlers as they sing the fun little jingle to the commercial that shows a person driving a car that looks like a hotdog. Who knew? Hotdogs today; what's next tomorrow???...
Oh...And May I have An Order Of Fries With That???...
We've all known that hotdogs aren't exactly at the top of the food pyramid with regard to good nutrition. But they're easy to cook and eat if you're on the go. Many times when I come home late from work, I either don't have the time or feel like baking chicken, steaming veggies, fixing some multi-vegetable salad, or doing anything that requires too many steps or using too many pots and pans. So, sometimes I either (I must confess) fix a hotdog or have a bowl of cereal. I don't deal with the packs of Big Eights or B.all Park franks. Have you ever read the ingredients? So I buy a pack of the beef H.ebrew Nationals, if it really makes a difference. I don't mess around with the ones at my job's cafeteria either. Why? Because they're green and they sit out in the open for long periods of time. The last time they were served, I noticed a pesky little fly taking off and landing on several hotdogs and buns christening each with his love and germs ever so gently. It almost looked like ballet. *sigh*
And A Cola???...
So there's our verdict. Stay away from hotdogs until we forget about this news report or until the focus has been shifted onto the next report that tells us to not eat another food...Okay, with that said, what's for lunch???...
Note: It's bad enough that I got to work a little late today, but why was I rocking my earplugs with Prince to "1999" at my desk on my Y.ahoo radio station. I'm surprised that I remembered all of the lyrics.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Ahh. Isn't This Cute???...
Jay-Z Holds Beyonce's Nephew As They Prepare For Dinner...
I Guess I Took A Little Vacation From The Blog...
Boy, how fast does time fly by? July rolled by just about without me blogging at all. But I'll keep this one ultra short. It's not that I didn't have anything to say either. I could have blogged about the Star Jones Reynolds' fiasco (for the record I called it back in April how greasy Babs was doing her wrong) and about how the other sea hags from "The View" couldn't resist disrespecting the other sisters who graced the show with their presence in hopes of becoming Star's replacement. I shouldn't have said sea hags, but oh well; it's getting late, and I'm tired from work. So, you all will have to cut me some slack. Joy asked Brandy whether her Mom was a drunk or an alcoholic for naming her Brandy. Brandy responded by saying that she was named after a dog. She's so silly. *rolling eyes* Rosie O'Donnell asked whether Tanika Ray's hair was hers and Babs put her dirty hands in Tanika's head. And Babs asked Mo'Nique how her creatures (children) were doing. Who can stomach another season of this show? Cancel it already!!!...
Baby Love...
Anywho. I'd rather talk about the picture in this entry. With all of the war and hatefulness going on around the world, I just want to focus on something cute like Jay-Z holding Beyonce's nephew. They can say whether or not they are dating. But I'm not really concerned about that. But what I can tell is that Jay-Z could possibly be in baby bliss. I can just tell by the way he's holding the baby. And I can totally relate since I love kids too. So like I said before, tonight's entry isn't deep or heavy. I just wanted to focus on something else like a baby and the future.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
They're Back...Run's House...
Rev. Run, His Wife Justine, And Their Kids Grace Us With Their Presence Again For Season 2....
The Good Ole Days...
I want to say that last year right off the bat (2 mintues into the show), I fell in love with MTV's Run's House. For those who don't know, Run is Russell Simmons' brother and a rapper turned minister, hence his new name, Rev. Run. And he used to be part of the RUN-DMC rap group. Remember them back in the day rocking the Adidas warm up suit, Adidas sneakers, thick gold chains, and kangol hats??? Ahh. Well those were the good ole days.
Remember Vinyl???...
Fastforward about 20 something years, and now Rev. Run has a wife; 5 kids (3 from a previous marriage); a beautiful, palatial home (a mansion); and a show on MTV. Aint life grand? And who would have known back in the late 70's and early 80's that rap would have gotten so big and fabulous. Yeah, the raps and beats have always been deep and interesting, but I remember a lot of material used to be mainly underground for only some to savor like a best kept secret. Male relatives and male friends who were/are semi-retired DJs would always say I betcha haven't heard this before. Then they'd pull out the vinyl (records). Yeah I said vinyl (this goes back a little bit). And to this day, they still say they have new music and mixtapes that's underground. Now the secret is out and kids from mainstream America have hopped onboard. I think it's sort of funny looking at rich kids trying to recite rap lyrics about thug life, when they know nothing of the kind. I guess everybody's trying to be hard. *shrug*
A Refreshing Change From The Usual...
But back to Run's House...I love, love, love this show, because it shows a black family living a normal life in good way for a change for the sake of balance, since mass media is hellbent on portraying black folks as thieves, killers, welfare queens, junkies, prostitutes, and pimps. Yeah, we had ficticious Cliff and Claire Huxtable. But the Simmons are real. They give us a sneak peak into their everyday lives revolving around family situations. Last season showed one daughter graduating from high school, the other daughter modeling professionally, and the three sons dealing with school and home situations. Plus, there were the husband/wife dynamics. Rev seemed to be the big poppa while Justine, the wife, seemed to whine a little. Joey, Why not?... But her whining must be effective, because many times he would let her have her way. I hear that this season the family will deal with the idea of Justine wanting to have another baby, while Rev isn't so hot on the idea and tells her to think about it some more. Well, this had to have been recorded a while ago, because she's expecting a baby this fall. **writing down notes** Whining works.
Tonight's the Premiere of Season 2...
Nothing is without its kinks. I've heard some folks criticize the show, because they felt like Rev. Run was too domineering or Justine was too submissive and was treated like one of the kids. But I say I big fat so what, because nobody lives the perfect life or has the perfect marriage. At least they're not cursing every other word and trying to outsicken or outshock us like the Osbourne family did. So just sit back and enjoy the show tonight for the premiere at 9:30 pm EST on MTV.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
The Original Dreamgirls...
Starring Jennifer Holliday, Sheryl Lee Ralph, and Loretta Devine...
The footage from the upcoming "Dreamgirls" movie sounds interesting, but I have to admit that I am "not" a big fan of remakes. I would love to see some original movies for a change. However, since I am a huge fan of YouTube, I dug up some footage from the "Dreamgirls" Broadway play from the 1980's. And all I have to say is that absolutely no one can sing like Jennifer Holliday, and no one should even try to either. Back then people used to actually open up their mouths up to sing. Some things are best left alone. Also, I've been informed by some folks that I'm not a big fan of any entertainer, although I said it a few entries back. Yeah, they were right. I guess I just said it to not be taken as a hater. Oh well. I wasn't able to recall any lyrics, haven't been to the concerts, and am unsure of the acting skills, but I do respect some folks for staying hard at work at their careers. So Bouncy fans please don't break out of lurking mode to unleash a lynch mob in here, because for the record I'll say that most of today's entertainers don't measure up to the talent of previous entertainers. There are people in this generation who possess great talent, but they aren't being extended the opportunities these days. Yeah, I said it. What?
Ahem. With that said, let's enjoy Jennifer Holliday's version of "And I'm Telling You." If you look closely you'll notice that Sheryl Lee Ralph (from "Moesha," Brandy's TV Show where Sheryl played the mother) and Loretta Devine (from the "Waiting To Exahale" movie) in the scene as members of the girl group. Enjoy... ==>
"And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going"...
**Note: The quality of the footage is a bit grainy. The scene begins where the cast announces to Effie that she's out of the group. Then Effie sings her famous song. And one more thing, ladies never ever beg for a man the way that Effie did. Please no. Self-esteem, ladies, self-esteem as Myra J. from the Tom Joyner Show would say.
"I Am Changing"...
Another Fine Performance...
And here's another performance I just couldn't resist showing. I know that I said that I couldn't stand remakes, but this really isn't. This footage shows Lillias White singing "I Am Changing" which was originally performed by Jennifer Holliday.
P.S. Saga, do I really have to complete that Meme? Can I be exempted from this one just this time? *hee hee*
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Memorial Day Weekend: Fun And Sun???...
A Perfectly Good Weekend Spent On The Couch....
Ahh. Some of yall get your minds out of the gutter. *hee hee* Last weekend, I had my whole weekend planned out. In fact, I arranged to have last Friday off from work to kick off things and to ease into the weekend. But Saturday a little scratchy throat turned into a bonafide sore throat, which announced that I had a cold. When I get a cold, I really want to know where and whom it came from. Could have been that nasty co-worker who refuses to wash his hands, or could it have come from the elevator button at work, or maybe on the shopping cart from the grocery store? Bummer. I didn't feel well and nobody feels like being around a coughing snott rag. So, there you have it. A perfectly good weekend gone awry. But I did read a couple of blogs where some of you had some really great plans. I just wished some of yall could have dropped a BBQ plate by my place. Nevermind. My tastebuds aren't back yet.
Oh well. I did the next best thing. I've been sleeping, drinking orange juice, and watching a lot of tv. And I've had enough tv and plan to return to work tomorrow. Let me tell you what I observed on the telly. But first let me take my hat off to honor stay-at-home moms, because daytime tv is pretty crappy.
Here's The RunDown:
The View -- I'm not one to gossip but, something is definitely going on at ABC network's show, "The View." Just as a recap, rumors have been circulating around about Star possibly leaving the show, because the show recently hired Rosie O'Donnell. Before landing the job to replace Meredith Vieira, Rosie made some unkind weight remarks about Star. I wonder about people who initiate attacks.
Well, when I was watching today, during their opening conversations I sort of noticed how Barbara Walters (Babs) wouldn't make much eye contact with Star. Joy Behar and Star also get into it from time to time, but it doesn't seem to be personal. But how else is Star to take Babs' (the Executive Producer) move to hire her arch rival? Stick a fork in her, because she is done. But the surprise may actually be that Joy and Rosie may be the ones to bump heads, because their of strongminded ways. On today's show, Star and Babs looked like two people who possibly had "some words" at one point or another. You know the look, right? When either one was speaking, they wouldn't look at each other, but they would have the "witch please" look on their faces. But I highly don't think witch would be their choice of word. I'm not gossiping or trying to signify. Honestly, I'm just saying. Uh huh. Plus, the NY Daily News has been speculating that Star and Al are going the way of Splitsville. I think a chunky sized meteor from outer space flying into the atmosphere would be more shocking. But I'm not sure this is true or not. Who knows?
Aside from that, I figured out what about Star, my soror, gets on my nerves. I really couldn't put my finger on it before. It's all about Star and no one else. There's a fine line between being outspoken and down right annoying. Believe me. I've tried to see Star's side, but she takes on this authoritative air. You know it when you hear when the person gets louder and louder as you try to get a word in edge wise. Since ole girl doesn't sing, dance, or act, she might want to pick up a law book and get back to her legal career gig, because Babs is showing us that she can be greasy (shady) like the bottom of a KFC bag. I like and respect Babs as a legendary newsperson, but she's gotten greasy, do you hear me? What can we say? Star is self-absorbed, somewhat annoying, but okay at other times. So, at least I can stand her, because I believe she does things to hide her insecurities and not out of meaness. And well, Rosie, she aint no prize. Hmph. I'm just saying.
The Lifetime Channel -- If you ever feel like life is treating you too well, or you want to be brought down a notch or two, or you are just a glutton for misery, try the Lifetime Channel. They have an unending supply of depressing movies. The only exception is the "Golden Girls" show from the 1980's. I'm not lying. Watch and see. And don't let a holiday roll around, because they will pull out the 5 Star depressing movies. On Mother's Day, they have movies about missing kids, on Father's Day, they have movies about absentee pops, and year-round they have movies about rape, murders, and kidnappings. Enough already and stop the madness!!!...
The Oxygen Channel -- With all the money Oprah has, why does her channel show the same movie three times in three days in these days of TiVo and other recording devices? Other than, I do like watching "Living Single." Plus, I found myself watching the Real Weddings show, which I had previously banned myself from watching. I didn't want to get all caught up in watching a bunch of Bridezillas going ape over their weddings. But I watched and saw some cute, love dovey weddings and then there were some crazy ones. I couldn't get over the Bridezilla who cursed out her parents before and after her wedding. For example, her mother made a mistake and stepped on her train or was holding it too tightly, and the bride called her mother an idiot. Another time, the wrong color flowers came to the house before the wedding. Her father tried to say everything would be okay, then she told him to shut up. The parents looked thoroughly embarrassed, but indeed they took it. I'm quite sure that the planning for weddings can be stressful, but you should have heard the nasty things that came out of the bride's mouth. But ultimately, I felt sorry for the groom who didn't have the heart or sense enough to take off running. Doesn't he realize that he'll be the target of his new wife's outbursts for the rest of their married lives?
The Food Network -- I really don't have anything deep to say about this channel. All I know is that I like it and it provides a sense of comfort to me. I wouldn't try to cook most of the things that the cooks make (especially those that appear to throw grass and leaves from the backyard in a bowl), but it's just comforting to see the cooks in their homes prepare meals. But the Food Network could stand to have a Black Soulfood Cooking show with the old time cooks.
M.SNBC (S.carborough Country) -- Tonight I found it quite odd that three white folks were discussing Oprah's rift with a few African American rappers. Apparently, they felt like "The Authorities" on the matter rather than the people actually involved. Was it too much to ask Oprah and the rappers to represent themselves? I guess that's too fair and balanced. I always find it highly amusing that shows like this one will feel confident enough to talk about a group of people, but will "not" include them as guests on the show. I guess they were afraid that the truth might leak out.
Did one of "The Authorities" become qualified to speak on such matters by having a dinner at Popeye's Chicken, or listening to a black radio station, or once wearing a jheri curl, or having black friends, or cocking their necks from side to side in an exaggerated sista mannerism, etc.? If so, that's still not the black experience and still makes them unqualified to part their lips on such matters. Whatever the case, my thing is let Oprah and the rappers hash out their differences in a manner uninterrupted by "The Authorities." But, heck-to-the-naw, tonight's trio thought they'd tell us black folks about ourselves. Now that's some of the highest level of strongfisted bullcrap around.
Good people, it's time for me to get ready for tomorrow. Although I have a cold, I highly doubt that my dandruff can be taken for sparkles at work. So I better go wash and dry my hair before it gets too late. I hope that everyone enjoyed the Memorial Day weekend and are settling back into work just fine. Oh and by the way, that green couch isn't mine. I just like the rich look of antique furniture.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Dreamgirls: Cannes Film Festival...
Sampling of Dreamgirls Movie Shown At Cannes Film Festival...
Beyonce, Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Hudson, and Anika Noni Rose appeared in the south of France to promote their upcoming movie,"Dreamgirls," at the Cannes Film Festival. About 15 minutes worth of the movie was shown as a teaser. Don't you all wish that you all could attend the film festival? Well, I wish that I could. With all of the promotion and hoopla surrounding this movie, it better be good.
I very rarely see movies at the local theater, because it costs too doggone much. Let's do the math. ==> $10.00 for the ticket + $4.00 for a small box of popcorn drenched with that oh so glorious butter + $3.00 for a small soda + $3.00 for a small box of raisinettes = $20.00 for a freaking movie. Scratch that. Let me go through a more realistic example. ==> $7.00 for a matinee movie ticket + $3.00 for the box of popcorn with the oh so glorious butter = $10.00!!! I cut my cost in half by buying a can of soda and the raisinettes before getting to the theater an placing them in my pocket or purse. Or I could go out on a movie date for free. Most of the guys I date insist on picking up the tab, although I offer to pay my own way. I should always be dating when the good movies come out. Hmm. That's a thought. By the way, here's a couple of pictures of the "Dreamgirls" cast at a press conference and a building poster marquee.
Vanessa Williams And Her Daughters...
Williams Featured As Favorite Mom In Magazine...
Last week, I came across this picture in P.eople Magazine. At least, I think I saw it there with other pictures of celebrity moms with their kids in a Mother's Day edition of the magazine. Boy has the time flown. Vanessa's kids have grown up so fast. Jillian (left) is 18, Melanie (right) is 16, and Sasha (center) is 6. Vanessa also has a son, Devin (not shown), but I guess this was a girls day picture.
As for Vanessa, I wonder how her career is coming along these days. I heard that she was supposed to be starring on the "South Beach" show. I haven't heard much about the show. So, I wondered whether it was canceled. But I just hope that Vanessa can get back up on her feet, because she must have been feeling really low when she appeared on the H.oward S.tern show last year. I know you're wondering how did I come across such a low class and base show like that. Well, I was flipping channels, and came across this one and was shocked to see her on it. The show was so sad, because even Howard took pity on Vanessa who was clearly feeling down, because she was having some marital problems with her second husband, Rick Fox. You could just see the hurt and embarrassment on her face. She couldn't hide it. Hopefully, she'll be able to find love and happiness with another man in the future.
It's just a shame how the entertainment industry acts like when women turn 30, their careers are over. Just notice that folks like J.Lo, Toni Braxton, Janet Jackson, and others aren't getting the shine they used to get. But I think otherwise. I think folks like Vanessa are abundantly talented, and hope that she'll be able to make a come back as she's done before.
Oprah's Radiates Red At Legends Ball...
"Oprah, You're Simply Marvelous!!!"...
What is a billionaire to do with all of her money? Throw a party of course. I can imagine the man standing beside Oprah saying that "Marvelous" stuff to Oprah. He's not Stedman, but he's some kind of stylist to the stars. I can't remember his name though. Well last night, ABC aired footage of Oprah's Legends Ball from last year that included some of the biggest names in the fields of entertainment, art, and civil rights. Can you imagine hobnobbing with Maya Angelou, Rosa Parks, Cicely Tyson, Mary J. Blige, Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson, Toni Morrison, Dorothy Height, Roberta Flack, Aretha Franklin, Nikki Giovanni, Diana Ross (The Boss), Phylicia Rashad, Debbie Allen, Kimberley Elise, Alfre Woodard, Angela Bassett, and others at a weekend filled with surprises and fun? Then if that wasn't enough there was a Legends Ball that honored African American women for their achievements, which included some more folks such as Senator Barak Obama, Tyler Perry, Barbara Walters, Usher (why?), Quincy Jones, Diane Sawyer, Spike Lee, and John Travolta.
After seeing the show last night, I'm convinced that I'm not supposed to be poor. I'm not supposed to be waking up at the break of dawn with the birds to commute to a job that ignores and doesn't appreciate me. Oops, there I go again talking about me. But seriously, I could really get use to the good life times the power of 10, can you hear me? *blink* *blink*
Now that reality has firmly set back in, I better get back to work until I can find a way to get rich legally or at least moderately comfortable. It's not a crime to dream, because I actually dream of uplifting others as well.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Danielle Is America's Next Top Model...
Danielle exclaimed, "Mommy, I'm America's Next Top Model...
Early on yesterday, I had prepared myself for Danielle, my favorite contestant, not winning. Time and time again, the judges got on Danielle about her country twang (accent). Coming from VA and NC, I have a little bit of a twang too. But out of the young ladies, Danielle seemed to always have a pleasant way about herself. Even in an earlier episode when she came crashing to the floor when trying to walk the catwalk in some ridicuously high heels, she went down smiling. A pure and pleasant nature can't be faked at times like this. Others would have cursed like a sailor, but she simply smiled instead. And the judges noticed.
This Year's Show Seemed Better...
I really don't watch the mainstream reality shows on the three major networks, but I did end up watching the whole season of America's Next Top Model this year. A few years ago, I remember seeing former model Janice Dickerson as a judge make a fool out of herself, which really took the attention away from the prospective top models. When Janice clowned the first week it was funny, but the next week it got down right annoying. But this year, the judges and the models seemed to be more on point. In years past, some of those chics (the contestants and the winners) didn't look like models at all. This year's competition was tighter.
Jade (Ever The Diva)...
This year the show poured on the suspense when three ladies were left standing. Jade, Joanie, and Danielle. The three had to compete in a C.overgirl commercial. Based on that alone, I thought Jade or Joanie would win, because Danielle just couldn't seem to get her country accent out of her system. But surprise, surprise, Jade is the one who choked. She walked into the competition full of confidence saying basically that the commercial would be a breeze. I don't think so. Miss Jade did her own thing as usual and didn't really memorize her lines and spent most of the time taking cues from herself rather than from the director. That left Joanie and Danielle who made better impressions. So in the first half hour, the judges politely sent Jade on her way. Throughout the whole competition, she marched to her own beat. When judges offered their advice, I'm not sure she was aware that she was nodding no or making facial expressions that said that she was not willing to take direction from them. And before packing her things and leaving, she made a statement about people misinterpeting her confidence for arrogance. Oh well. We don't have to feel sorry for Jade, because she'll probably become a model anyway. Those of us who watched the show know that she has talent. Now she has to work on her attitude. With Jade gone, at least we didn't have to endure watching any cattiness or smart remarks, because Joanie and Danielle aren't that way.
The Winner Is Revealed...
As for Danielle, I was totally shocked when Tyra named her America's Next Top Model. I just knew that the judges would pick Joanie, because the way Twiggy kept going on and on about her looking sophisticated like Grace Kelly. But I have to admit that I got a little teary eyed when Danielle said, Mommy, I'm America's Next Top Model; we don't have to struggle anymore!" I love seeing the underdog win. This former babysitter struggled with that gap in her teeth and her deep country accent, but carried herself like a real model while traveling the globe. And there's nothing left to say but, Congratulations!!!...
Friday, April 28, 2006
Friday Entertainment Report - The News We Want To See...
Nicole and Boris Have Good News...
The mainstream media (Entertainment Tonight, E!, People Magazine, etc.) acts like only two couples in the world are having babies and like nobody else ever had a baby before. Unless you've been living under a rock for the past year, you are aware that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have been looking forward to their new bundles of joy. I have to admit that the story about Angelina and Brad are bit more interesting, because they don't run after the media. The media runs after them. Their mysterious lives keep the media in a state of suspense. *yawn*
But Tom Cruise is way beyond his 15 minutes of fame. In the past year, he's hopped like a bunny rabbit on Oprah's couch, criticized Brooke Shields for taking medication to treat her postpartum blues, orchestrated a full-fledged media stunt *oops* I meant to say relationship with Katie Holmes, put a bun in Katie's oven, touted the fact that he bought an ultrasound machine for their home so that they could monitor their baby's every move (exposure to multiple sessions of ultrasound waves can't be healthy), converted Katie to his religion, proclaimed that Katie better shut her beak (silent birth) during labor and delivery, named their daughter a name that they seem to not understand the meaning of, and so on and so forth. What a whirlwind year? I wish them the best and hope that the child has a normal childhood, but enough already!!!
Last week while surfing the net, I found out on the Celebrity Baby Blog that Nicole Ari Parker, formley of Showtime's "Soul Food" series, and her husband, Boris Kodjoe, an actor in his own right, are expecting another child this fall. The couple is pictured above with their adorable daughter Sophie Tei Naaki Lee. Much love and blessings to the Kodjoe family.
Angela Bassett and Husband Courtney Also Announce Good News...
2 + 2 = 4...
Now that you all know that I can add, I can report that Angela Bassett and her husband, Courtney Vance, know how to multiply. About a month or so ago, I found out that Angela and Courtney became the proud parents of twins (a boy and girl) via surrogacy. I have to admit that when I first heard that Angela and Courtney became new parents, I almost didn't believe it. First off, Angela is in her mid to late 40's and I don't recall seeing her in maternity clothes last year. But when they revealed that they went the surrogate parent route, things became more believable. Some women are having babies in their 40's, but I don't know if it's medically safe. Nevertheless, we all wish Angela and Courtney and their bundles of joy the very best.
Akeelah And The Bee...
Keke Palmer Makes Her Big Screen Movie Debut...
Speaking of Angela Bassett, she's staring in a movie that opens today along with Laurence Fishburne and newcomer Keke Palmer. Keep an eye out for Keke. I heard that she was just signed to a record deal with Atlantic Records.
Every now and then a movie comes along that you can take your whole family to without having to endure a whole lot of cursing, violence, adult action *raised eyebrow*, and other inappropriate material for young audiences. I don't see many movies at the local theater, however, I might just see this one, because of it's positive story. The movie is about an eleven-year old who aspires to win the National Spelling Bee. It brings back old memories of me competing in a spelling bee back in junior high. To this day, I still love words and their prefixes, suffixes, and derivatives. That's why I keep a dictionary on my desk at work. I can always be found flipping pages back and forth while learning new words everyday. What a nerd? I'm not a nerd; I'm inquisitive.
People Magazine Names List Of Most Beautiful People...
Beyonce' and Terrence Howard Made The List...
I'm a big fan of Beyonce' and Terrence and love their work, but I just want to know why People magazine's list is always so predictable? Well, dang. Can anyone else get some shine? There happens to be other beautiful people out here like Sanaa Lathan, Gabrielle Union, LL Cool J, Vanessa Williams (from Soul Food), Morris Chestnut, Boris Kodjoe, Denzel Washington, Rosa Blasi ("The Division"/Lifetime TV), Mark Consuelos ("Missing"/Lifetime TV), Ziyi Zhang (Memoirs of a Geisha), Ken Wantanabe (Memoirs of a Geisha), etc.
Rosie O'Donnell Joins The Ladies At "The View"...
Why Did The Show Add Her? That's All I'm Asking...
I haven't heard anything official yet, but I've seen reports that ABC's "The View" is going to add Rosie O'Donnell to the show to replace Meredith Vieira who will replace Katie Couric who left NBC's "Today Show" to become the CBS Evening News anchor. I have a question. Why??? Are "The View's" producers trying to add fireworks to the show. Star Jones Reynolds and Joy are bickering enough from time to time, but within acceptable bounds. But now they're going to bring on Rosie. Why?
It wasn't but a month ago that Rosie was getting on Star's case about not revealing how she lost a ton of weight. Normally, I crack on Star for fun and not for meaness. But who is Rosie, a person of wide girth herself, to rag on Star? Plus, I can remember when Rosie called Whitney Houston out at the Grammys or some other big time music awards show. Rosie cracked a joke about Whitney's recreational/pharmaceutical problem. And like a true lady that she is *insert giggle*, Whitney shot Rosie the bird in full view of the tv camera. That's right. When Rosie or her dear friends such as Madonna are going through trials and tribulations, Rosie always asks the media to give them privacy and respect. Rosie seems to never respect or provide privacy to the family members and friends of other fallen or troubled stars. Did Rosie ever think that her words may have hurt Bobbi Christina, Whitney and Bobby's daughter? Respect for some and not for others. Hmm. I wished that I could offer more kind words to Rosie instead of a verbal knuckle sandwich. Oh well. Sometimes, we fall short of the glory. *hee hee*
Well, it's lunch time for me. It's time to bounce. Have a great weekend!!!... ;-)
Monday, April 17, 2006
Tragedy Touches Ashanti And Her Family...
Drunk Driver Kills Ashanti's Cousin in South Africa...
Yesterday, I saw news reports that a drunken, unlicensed teenager, who had stolen his mother's car, killed Quinshae Snead, 20, Ashanti Douglas' cousin. Snead was on her way back to the Ashanti's hotel to pick up a few forgotten things such as jewelry and clothes for Ashanti, who was preparing to perform for a Saturday night concert with Lauryn Hill, Regina Belle, and other local artists in South Africa. The excessive speed mixed with the drinking caused the teenager to rear-end the car Ashanti's cousin was riding in with Ashanti's body guard, who was driving the other car. The rear-ended car rolled over, throwing Snead and the bodyguard from the car into the path of oncoming traffic. The driver of Snead's car was injured and expected to make a full recovery. The drunk teenage driver was injured also.
As of today, I've read reports that Ashanti and her family are preparing to bring Snead's body home to the U.S. for burial. I haven't seen any official statements from Ashanti yet, but a promoter for the concert said that Ashanti and her family are traumatized and devastated by their loss. The promoter's comments can be quite understandable, since the Douglas family has been described to be very close. In fact, I recall reading in one of the articles that Snead lived with Ashanti. For more information, please see the following: ==> Tragedy Touches Ashanti's Family.
No matter how many times folks have been told not to drink and drive, accidents like this one continue to happen. Because of Saturday's accident, lives will be changed forever. Let's keep Ashanti and her family in our prayers.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Static: Don't Start None. Won't Be None. Hay!!!....
Motto: Home Sweet Home...
My Motto: I Take A Lot Of Trash At Work, But I Don't Take It At Home...
Intro: Hello, Good People. I hope everyone is doing well. I've been checking out your blogs in the middle of my crazy days between meetings, but didn't get a chance to reply. (Side Note: Shellyp: Congrats, Miss Lady, for your and your husband's blessing, *RPM*: Congrats on a new chapter of your life; I have so much respect for you in the way that you determined that it was time for you to move onto another job, SP: Don't let those crazy folks at your job get you down, Dee: Smile, things are going to get bettter and better for you and your family, PrincessDominique: Keep churning out those interesting blog entries; are you in the process of writing a new book?, Everybody else: I haven't forgotten about you. I feel like I'm at the Grammys trying to remember to mention everyone in my shoutouts. *hee hee*) All I can say is thank you for helping me make it through the day at work. I know it's been a while since I've blogged, but it's just not going to be done on a regular basis for a while, because of my job situation. I'm still in the process of trying to get a promotion so I barely have any free time. At lunch, I'm still working many times. And when I get home, I'm too tired to string two lucid sentences together. However, I decided to blog a little bit before I go to work.
Now check this out. A few weeks ago, I noticed that the neighbor who lives across from me was getting a new refrigerator on a Sunday. But I didn't pay much attention to the situation. I went about my way. But the next day on Monday, why was an old refrigerator pushed up beside my front door? Mondays are a little tough on me, because every single week I have to come to terms with the fact that I have to go to work. Don't get me wrong. I'm thankful to have a job. I just get tired of the mindless bullcrap and crazy people I have to deal with.
Before proceeding on, I must provide you with a little background information. About a year and a half to two years ago, I purchased my first place. I got tired of paying rent that was equal to or more than what folks were paying for mortgages in the area. Homes in the Baltimore-Washington Metro area can be very expensive. So, I was very thoughtful in making my home purchase decision. I took my accountant's advice and decided to purchase a small place in a planned community, because the neighborhood strives to keep up its home values. But with that comes the home owners' association. And part of this kind of set up doesn't allow appliances to be discarded improperly.
Being Plain Proactive: When I first noticed the refrigerator, I was thinking what nerve my neighbor had to push her old, leaking fridge beside my door. Why didn't she push it beside hers? The condo association president lives very near me. And I could totally understand the neighbors or the condo association president seeing the fridge and thinking it was mine. So, at the risk of hurting my easy to hurt back (via my do-myself-mentality: towing huge suitcases at the airport; assembling bookcases and an exercise bike; moving boxes, etc.), I pushed the refrigerator back over beside my neighbor's door. And to make sure no one reported me, I called the management office for the condo to inform them that it wasn't mine. Afterall, residents can be fined for such violations. I stated to the management company that I wasn't trying to get anyone in trouble; I just wanted it to be documented that the fridge wasn't mine. Could you imagine me getting fined for something that I didn't do? Chile please!!!.... (Side Note: If anyone hears or sees, Tiff (Proactiff), tell her I side hi and we miss her blog.)
Neighbor Trying To Pull Someone Up...Namely Me: As I said before, this incident happened some weeks ago. When I made the phone call to the management company, the representative told me to call her if the fridge had not been hauled away in the next day. The next day or two it was gone. So, I didn't think anymore of the situation. But no...I get a little knock at the door. This was the first time I've seen/talked/met my neighbor since I moved there. Of course, I didn't open the door and opted to talk through the door and look out the peep hole. What? Come on now. I don't allow people to case out my place. Shuxxx....Where were we? Oh, yeah. Yesterday, my neighbor came over to discuss the incident with me. Evidently, the management company charged her $200 to haul away her old fridge and she wasn't happy about her little bill. And I guess she wanted someone to take responsibility for this bill. Good folks, when it comes to money, I don't play. What can I say? I come from a long line of folks you can't mess with when it comes to money. It's been said that my Great Granddaddy handled a difficult situation dealing with his land purchases decades ago during the jim crow days. Years ago, I witnessed my Grandmother getting someone told about not paying a bill on time when she used to sell products similar to Amway products to supplement her maid's job. So, let's just say this thing is genetic. I ain't getting off no cash when it ain't my fault.
I hate starting a sentence with the word, "being." But being the person that I am, I put a whole lot of thought into my decisions no matter how big or small. I just didn't call the management company for kicks or to embarrass my neighbor. I'm just tired of being done wrong and done in. I've seen the consequences of me staying silent in many situations over the years. So my conclusion was that if I had not called, then most likely I would have been the one to have to bear the burden of proving that the fridge wasn't mine. I've had appliances replaced in my place since I've been living here. However, I always made sure the delivery person hauled away the old appliance at $10 a piece (and not $200). I just factored the removal fee into the total purchase price of getting the new appliance.
The Half-Apology: As my neighbor told me about the $200 charge, she told me that she was trying to apologize. I accepted. Then she followed up with, "We should be more neighborly in the future." Next time, leave a letter or a note on my door instead of calling the managment company." "Say What?", was my response that I was thinking. But I told her being neighborly means not rolling old refrigerators beside a neighbor's door. Had she left the fridge beside her door, I most likely would have let the situation go on for a while. But no, I felt that she intentionally and deliberately had the delivery folks to push the old leaky one near me to keep herself out of trouble. People need to learn how to apologize or just don't do it all, because conditional statements placed with an apology nullifies it. What's the point? Either you're sorry or you're not. Move on. I sincerely apologized to a motorist some years ago, because it was my fault that I wasn't driving carefully one winter morning. I thought the street was wet, but it was actually black ice. I slid down a hill and hit a truck. His bumper fell off. I apologized sincerely, provided my insurance information, and followed-up with a call to see if he was feeling okay later that day. I paid much more than $200 to fix his car and mine, but I was simply grateful that he wasn't hurt. Thank God. Afterall, I was wrong and caused him to have to take off work to get his truck fixed. Getting back to my neighbor, I bet she wanted me to apologize to her and help pay that $200. Didn't happen. So, in the words of James Brown, "Static: Don't Start None. Won't Be None. Hay!!!..."
Alrighty, I have to get rolling. Take care. And have a good day. *Smile*
Friday, March 31, 2006
Friday Entertainment Report
Russell and Kimora Lee Simmons Split...
It seems like divorce is in the air these days. There was Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. There was Babyface and Tracey Edmonds, and a host of other couples who chose to end their marriages. I guess the question should be who isn't divorced in Hollywood and the entertainment field? Now there's new news. The latest news report states that Russell and Kimora have decided to split after seven years of marriage, but will remain friends while raising their two daughters. It was just last week when Kimora was in Maryland promoting her new book, "Fabulosity." And the DJs mentioned something about Russell being in the area a few weeks before. And then they mentioned that it seems like Russell and Kimora keep turning up at the same places for entrepreneurial projects, political conferences, and product promotions, but at different times and dates. If you sort of read between the lines, it sounds like they had been separated for a while to be separately traveling to the same places. Or maybe I'm reading too much into that radio interview.
I have to honestly admit that I found Russell and Kimora to be a somewhat unlikely pairing from the beginning just the way Kimora towered over Russell, but who am I to judge? Before this incident a local radio show showed them no mercy by calling them Miss Piggy and Kermit. Good grief. Folks can be so mean. I guess sometimes it's better to not be famous for the sake of the criticism that famous folks receive. Nevertheless, I still think it's a bit sad that they are splitting, especially for their two young daughters. The adults may move on and eventually find happiness again with another mate, but when it comes to the children, I always wonder how they will cope with this new situation.
Let me clairfy before I go on. I'm not trying to say whether a couple's decision to divorce is right or wrong for them, because I'm not in the position to say. But I just keep remembering what friends and cousins have told me how they felt when their parents divorced. And the kind of pain that they speak of seems like it will last for a lifetime.
Naomi Campbell
Good people, what in the world is wrong with Naomi Campbell? I know that Naomi is to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. But folks, she has a history of going off on people. I think some years ago she beat up her personal assistant. Now they are saying that she threw a phone at a housekeeper, because Naomi thought the housekeeper had stolen from her. It seems like Naomi just can't keep herself from reaching out and punching/hitting someone. If she keeps this up, she'll end up in jail fighting the sho-nuff, hardened, Big Bertha felons, which ain't no joke. I also heard something about Busta Rhymes going upside someone's head too, but I think his weapon of choice was a champagne bottle. I guess they were Kung Fu Fighting. Remember that song?
Whitney Houston
I don't know if this is totally true or not, but radio stations have been reporting that a news correspondent from F.ox News, the N.ational Inquirer of news, is saying that Whitney Houston is flat broke, that her daughter she had with hubby Bobby Brown is now living with relatives, because Whitney is so strung out on crack, and that Whitney was thrown out of a townhouse she was sharing with 1980's singer Cherrelle. Another report said that Whitney was toothless. Folks just got crazy and carried away with the news reporting. Perhaps, two out of the five news reports are true. What can we say? In the words of Whitney, "Crack is wack." Let's just hope and pray that Whitney can get her life together for the sake of her daughter, Bobbi Christina. A success story would be nice to hear.
Star Jones Reynolds
Star just can't seem to stay out of the gossip circles. Earlier this year, she refused to discuss the specifics related to her weight loss, while promoting her book. I guess that's her right to discuss some things and not others. *shrug* Then about a week or two ago, reports surfaced that she experienced some post operative problems following a breast lift surgery. One of the tabloids went so far as to say that she was near death, which she strongly disputes. I didn't buy that embarrassing tabloid; I just made sure that I read it while waiting to have my groceries rung up at the store. I can't let folks coming to my place find trashy tabloids strewn about. *hee hee* Back to the story. It was also reported that Al, her husband, also was rushed to the hospital on the same day for bumping his head at the gym. He's such the Diva Deev. But Star was in California, while Al was in New York that day. It seems like a hubby should have been by a wife's side for surgery, since surgery is serious if there are any complications. But oh well, what do I know? I wonder what will be next in the Star Jones media/gossip saga.
Enough of this entertainment babble. Everyone have an enjoyable weekend!!! ;-)